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In Greek mythology, Iphicles ( or ; Iphikles) is the name of three people (this name was conflated with the name Iphiclus ( Iphiklos), which appears e.g. as the name of Protesilaos' father in Homer):

  • The half maternal twin brother of Herakles, being the son of Alcmene and her human husband Amphitryon, whereas Herakles was her son by Zeus. He had a sister Laonome. Iphicles was the father of Herakles' charioteer Iolaos by Automedusa, daughter of Alcathous. He died in the battle against either Hippocoon or the Molionides.
  • Son of Thestius and either Leucippe, Laophonte, Deidameia or Eurythemis; one of the Argonauts, and a participant in the hunt for the Calydonian Boar, where he was killed by Meleager.
  • A Thessalonian man, son of Phylacus and Clymene, father of Protesilaus and Podarces by Diomedeia or Astyoche. He was cured of infertility by Melampus, and gave him his famous herd of oxen in reward.