- Eugène ___ (theater of the absurd playwright)
- Playwright Eugene
- Absurdist playwright
- Theater of the absurd playwright
- Beckett's Romanian contemporary
- Beckett contemporary
- "Theatre of the Absurd" luminary
- "Rhinoceros" writer
- "Rhinoceros" author
- "Rhinocéros" playwright Eugène
- "Le Rhinocéros" playwright Eugène
- "Le Rhinocéros" playwright
- "Exit the King "playwright
- "A Stroll in the Air" playwright
- ''Rhinoceros'' playwright Eugene
- "Rhinoceros" playwright Eugène
- "The Bald Soprano" playwright, 1950
- Theater of the Absurd pioneer
- "The Lesson" dramatist
- "Le RhinocГ©ros" playwright
- "The Bald Soprano" dramatist
- "Le RhinocГ©ros" playwright EugГЁne
- "The Chairs" playwright
- Playwright EugГЁne
- French dramatist (born in Romania) who was a leading exponent of the theater of the absurd (1912-1994)
- "Le Rhinoc"
- Romanian-born playwright
- Dramatist of the absurd
- French dramatist, leading figure in the theatre of the absurd, d. 1994