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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Iodize \I"o*dize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Iodized; p. pr. & vb. n. Iodizing.] To treat or impregnate with iodine or its compounds; as, to iodize a plate for photography.
--R. Hunt.


a. treated with iodine or an iodide


adj. treated with iodine; "iodized salt" [syn: iodinated, iodised]

Usage examples of "iodized".

She knew that the outer surface of the thermoplex was iodized so that anyone outside would only see a mirrorlike reflection, but the psychological feeling was still one of utter exposure.

There was a pane of glass, I guess—you know, that iodized glass—and it .

There was a pane of glass, I guess--you know, that iodized glass--and it .