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invested with

adj. officially endowed with authority or power; "by the Constitution...the president is invested with certain...powers"- John Marshall [syn: invested]

Usage examples of "invested with".

The decemvirs explained it by saying that as they were invested with absolute power of life and death, there was no reason for the axes being removed.

We must needs inquire then on what principle the Sovereign is originally invested with that right.

Manfred's head and shoulders were abruptly invested with the tiny winkings of a thousand firebugs, but the sight faded against the red serpent shields, the Eika setting their trap and awaiting their prey, raising their spears.

The citizens assembled in the church of Santa Reparata, to form the new government, and appointed fourteen citizens, half from the nobility and half from the people, who, with the archbishop, were invested with full authority to remodel the state of Florence.

She was still Tess, but she was also a prince now, invested with a greater power than anyone here but Aleksi and Maggie, and she herself, knew.

That it be invested with more power than she or I would ever understand.

Let the tocsin be rung forthwith, the whole nation assembled, and every man, as at Rome, be invested with the power of putting to death all well-known conspirators!

But constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go.