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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Intrude \In*trude"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Intruded; p. pr. & vb. n. Intruding.]

  1. To thrust or force (something) in or upon; especially, to force (one's self) in without leave or welcome; as, to intrude one's presence into a conference; to intrude one's opinions upon another.

  2. To enter by force; to invade. [Obs.]

    Why should the worm intrude the maiden bud?

  3. (Geol.) The cause to enter or force a way, as into the crevices of rocks.

    Syn: To obtrude; encroach; infringe; intrench; trespass. See Obtrude.


n. intrusion vb. (present participle of intrude English)


adj. projecting inward

Usage examples of "intruding".

Tlien surely they cross your mind at the oddest times, intruding, but you'd never wish them away.

Eight hundred sixty-seven kept intruding itself into his efforts, offering itself every time he sought the next number.

Ever since they hove into this part of space, old memories had been surfacing, giving her flashbacks during her rest-times, and intruding into her conscious mind while she was doing easy tasks like calculations.

Infliriated with a disobedience that amounted to downright mutiny, he charged on to the Washington's bridge where the intense atmosphere reminded him that he might be intruding and he had half-turned to leave.

Her inner muscles eagerly clasped the intruding finger, tightening, subtly caressing, and Gray swore with savage arousal.

He drove silently, not intruding on her grief while she tried to accept that Marci was gone.

She would be intruding on David’s lunch hour, but she didn’t think he would mind.

Enough of magical images intruding themselves upon me, even though the people they represented were really somewhere else if they were still alive at all.

He might have known my mother, seen me as a baby, but now he came intruding as a stranger into my life.

But it was mainly the yellow hair and blue eyes of the high priest's wife (as I still believed her to be) that kept intruding themselves before me.

Hours later, we were simultaneously awak­ened beside the ashes of our fire by a small intruding sound, in fact the click of a wooden paddle against the side of a boat.

Amby told us that his intention was to send strange and powerful visions against the intruding soldiers, thereby dis­tracting and terrifying them.

Dread of pain kept intruding on my thoughts, pushing awry my carefully constructed peace.

There had been too many mentions of dragons lately: a frozen dragon for Dutiful to unearth and behead, the dragons the Bingtown contingent had bragged about (supposedly at the beck and call of the Bingtown Traders), and now a dragon intruding into our Skill-exercise.

All could sense that something was awry here tonight, and it was something more than foreigners intruding on an Outislander ceremony.