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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Intractable \In*tract"a*ble\, a. [L. intractabilis: cf. F. intraitable, formerly also intractable. See In- not, and Tractable.] Not tractable; not easily governed, managed, or directed; indisposed to be taught, disciplined, or tamed; violent; stubborn; obstinate; refractory; as, an intractable child.

Syn: Stubborn; perverse; obstinate; refractory; cross; unmanageable; unruly; headstrong; violent; ungovernable; unteachable. -- In*tract"a*ble*ness, n. -- In*tract"a*bly, adv.


n. The state of being intractable; intractability.


n. the trait of being hard to influence or control [syn: intractability] [ant: tractability]

Usage examples of "intractableness".

Even her stubborn intractableness, her keen and malicious humor, added zest to their relationship.