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a. Within a continent (especially occupying a large part of a continent) alt. Within a continent (especially occupying a large part of a continent)

Usage examples of "intracontinental".

The legless Quebecker Wheelchair Assassins, although legless and confined to wheelchairs, nevertheless contrive to have situated large reflective devices across odd-numbered United States highways for the purpose of disorienting and endangering northbound Americans, to have disrupted pipelines between processing points in the eastern Reconfiguration's annular fusion grid, have been linked to attempts at systemic damage of the federally contracted Empire Waste Displacement's launch and reception facilities on both sides of the Reconfigured intracontinental border, and, perhaps most infamously, derive their cell's own sobriquet in the vox populi "Wheelchair Assassins" from the active practice of assassinating prominent Cana dian officials who support or even tolerate what they the A.