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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Intire \In*tire"\, a., Intirely \In*tire"ly\, adv. See Entire, a., Entirely, adv.


adv. 1 (obsolete spelling of entirely English) 2 (misspelling of entirely English)

Usage examples of "intirely".

You have so intirely gained her affections, that it is the loss of you, and not of her reputation, which afflicts her, and will end in the destruction of her and her family.

Accordingly, that they might not relax the nerves of their monarchy, and that they might preserve a close conformity to the practice of their ancestors, as it appeared in the declaratory statutes of Queen Mary 5 and Queen Elizabeth, in the next clause they vest, by recognition, in their majesties all the legal prerogatives of the crown, declaring "that in them they are most fully, rightfully, and intirely invested, incorporated, united, and annexed".