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vb. (en-third-person singular of: interrogate)

Usage examples of "interrogates".

He raised himself on one elbow, took a bit of his cheek between his thumb and his forefinger, as one does mechanically when one interrogates and judges, and appealed to the Bishop with a gaze full of all the forces of the death agony.

Thenceforth, righteousness is the most serious of all aims, not in the eyes of man, but of God and again, day after day, the soul renews within itself that tragic questioning in which the Judge interrogates and the sinner responds.

If I remember correctly, die piece extends as a hypothetical dialogue between die poet and his uncommunicative soul, in which die poet interrogates his inner being as to where, exacdy, he might find his own fulfillment.

If I remember correctly, the piece extends as a hypothetical dialogue between the poet and his uncommunicative soul, in which the poet interrogates his inner being as to where, exactly, he might find his own fulfillment.

Underwear is humorous and only the undemocratic mind interrogates humor.

Annette sits cross-legged on the hotel room floor and interrogates Manfred’s cat.

It interrogates me until it's happy, disposes of my damp underwear, and lets me go.