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a. Of, pertaining to, or connecting two or more regions alt. Of, pertaining to, or connecting two or more regions

Usage examples of "interregional".

Proclamation to the UIPS on a new foundation for interregional relationships?

He should be dealt with according to the rules of his own game, and not those of normal interplanetary or interregional diplomacy.

The few interregional agreements that did evolve supported special interests.

We must provide for interregional and international deliberations and decision-making.

How are our dynamic and constantly changing interplanetary and interregional space lanes to be maintained?

There would be interregional and, within INOR, international competition that would increase the rate of depletion in resources.

It was an era of international and interregional political tensions and harassment, and military, technological and industrial sabotage and espionage.

Probably dogs, who had served with the police, who had been drilled in the Langfuhr-Hochstriess police kennels, had won first, second, or even third prize at interregional police dog meets.

They spoke of an interregional soccer match, and of the possibility of work stoppage by the truck dispatchers.

With the benefit of labor mobility, interregional financial transfers and other protective features of the truly unified American economy, England thrived.

But we satisfied ourselves, after a lot of wrangling, that we were taking an interregional route from Wheatlea east to the Dairc border.

With the benefit of labour mobility, interregional financial transfers and other protective features of the truly unified American economy, England thrived.

I do not want to get involved in the interregional disputes of our hosts, and I most certainly do not want to hurt anybody.