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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Interpose \In`ter*pose"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Interposed; p. pr. & vb. n. Interposing.] [F. interposer. See Inter-, and Pose, v. t.]

  1. To place between; as, to interpose a screen between the eye and the light.

    Mountains interposed Make enemies of nations.

  2. To thrust; to intrude; to put between, either for aid or for troubling.

    What watchful cares do interpose themselves Betwixt your eyes and night?

    The common Father of mankind seasonably interposed his hand, and rescues miserable man.

  3. To introduce or inject between the parts of a conversation or argument.


vb. (en-past of: interpose)

Usage examples of "interposed".

At this interesting point, the little judge interposed most irascibly.

At the mouth it is sixty fathom deep, and half a league broad, but a small woody island is interposed in the midst of the channel.

Keff interposed himself between Tall and the dissidents, ready to take the brunt of the next attack.

Pienarr was about to exercise one of his favorite hobbyhorses and interposed his request.

Maddocks interposed, "she has already done so at Barevi " "Very good, very good indeed.

One of the girls interposed her body between the queen and her small attacker.

Not pretty,' interposed my mother, laying her fingers on my lips again.

In the morning he was downhearted again, and would have sustained himself by giving me all the money he had in his possession, gold and silver too, if my aunt had not interposed, and limited the gift to five shillings, which, at his earnest petition, were afterwards increased to ten.

As I left him, resuming his stool and his pen, and rolling his head in his stock, to get it into easier writing order, I clearly perceived that there was something interposed between him and me, since he had come into his new functions, which prevented our getting at each other as we used to do, and quite altered the character of our intercourse.

But, from the greater part of the broad valley interposed, a mist was rising like a sea, which, mingling with the darkness, made it seem as if the gathering waters would encompass them.

Micawber, whose impetuosity I had restrained thus far with the greatest difficulty, and who had repeatedly interposed with the first syllable Of SCOUN-drel!

Sedley was your very good friend, sir,” Dobbin interposed, almost pleased at finding himself growing angry.

Being a great sleeper, and fond of his bed, it is possible he would have snoozed on until his usual hour of rising in the forenoon, in spite of all the drums, bugles, and bagpipes in the British army, but for an interruption, which did not come from George Osborne, who shared Jos’s quarters with him, and was as usual occupied too much with his own affairs or with grief at parting with his wife, to think of taking leave of his slumbering brother-in-law—it was not George, we say, who interposed between Jos Sedley and sleep, but Captain Dobbin, who came and roused him up, insisting on shaking hands with him before his departure.

The Belgians in vain interposed to prevent the butchery of the English.