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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
internationally respected
▪ He was an internationally respected figure.
▪ Instead of letting industry fight to become internationally competitive, the Labour Government preferred to protect it from reality.
▪ It was the best private house in Hochhauser, and after all, he was an internationally famous name.
▪ When she retired, she was still internationally famous.
▪ The museum directed the field research on the nearby internationally famous archaeological site of Vucedol.
▪ Yet she was pardoned, because she was an internationally famous actress.
▪ Nearly all the internationally famous players had agreed to participate.
▪ The 48-year-old professor, an internationally known languages expert and former vice-chancellor of Essex University, is due in court in October.
▪ I am credited as the internationally known journalist and writer.
▪ Several of the professors were internationally known figures who lectured to large audiences and engaged in public debates over controversial issues.
▪ In addition to a number of internationally recognised jazz musicians the Festival attracts a number of artists and attractions from around the region.
▪ Scarborough Group enticed internationally renowned playwright Alan Ayckbourn into posing for a press photograph while signing appeal letters.
▪ Dame Sybil Connolly, internationally renowned interior designer, entertains at her private home in Dublin.
▪ A recent investment boom should help firms to compete internationally, though in the short term it has worsened the trade deficit.
▪ I started competing internationally when I was 14.
▪ Employers also need them in order to compete internationally.
▪ Diversification into dynamic fast-growing industries is also made possible, as are moves to expand internationally.
▪ You're familiar with his subject, you know he is an authority, internationally known and universally respected.
▪ Along the path, there are gardens that are works of art themselves, designed by internationally known landscape designer Russell Page.
▪ Many of these artists and writers have become internationally known.
▪ He gained little local success, but by this time was internationally known.
▪ A few have become internationally known, but it often seems a hopeless task.
▪ Third, because the elections were internationally recognized as free and fair, Taylor will have the backing of the international community.
▪ Reg and Maggie Green have been recognized internationally for such a generous act.
▪ Recently, John Fagin, an internationally recognized molecular biologist and former genetic engineer from Fairfield, Iowa, made a stand.
▪ Denver overcame his shyness to take on a stage presence that made him internationally recognized.
▪ Wagner's opera will be telecast internationally.
▪ Along the path, there are gardens that are works of art themselves, designed by internationally known landscape designer Russell Page.
▪ Cape Town has decided to keep its name because it is internationally recognised.
▪ It is encouraging to see his experience recognised internationally.
▪ They do business nationally and internationally.
▪ We will convene a new private sector forum to promote London's position internationally.
▪ Yet, there are deep, long-term crises at home and internationally that cry out for leadership.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Internationally \In`ter*na"tion*al*ly\, adv. In an international manner; from an international point of view.


adv. In an international manner.


adv. throughout the world; "She is internationally known"

Usage examples of "internationally".

Set on stormy Cape Breton Island off Nova Scotia, Fall on Your Knees is an internationally acclaimed multigenerational saga that chronicles the lives of four unforgettable sisters.

Get me a complete list of all the internationally known scientists who have died since the first of May, together with every cogent detail you can rake up.

We have given them a job they delight in, and have made them stellar artistes, the toast of Lake Balaton, and soon to be internationally renowned.

She was a friend of the internationally famous singer, actor, and civil rights activist Paul Robeson and his wife Eslande.

Ernie Bo is an internationally famous conqueror of largemouth bass.

We've got a leg up on the melon ball industry here tonight such as would curl the blood of melon ball enthusiasts internationally.

Yes, that might take time, but Sa'id was convinced it was possible, and anything that made the oil cartel weaker would make it easier for Medexco to operate internationally.

My father used to send me out to feed the damn pigeons in his damn pigeon loft all the time, and I want to know who you are going to believe, some stupid internationally famous ornithologist or me, veteran pigeon feeder.

The big man, your compatriot, the one I call the supreme power broker internationally, met here the other day with the one I call our muckety-muck.

The current internationally accepted prime meridian is an imaginary curve drawn from the North Pole to the South Pole passing through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, London.

Internationally, the Pentagon was an intervention force, but domestically it was a method by which the government could coordinate the private economy, provide welfare to major corporations, subsidize them, arrange the flow of taxpayer money to research and development, provide a state-guaranteed market for excess production, target advanced industries for development, etc.

You have, because of your activities as an internationally successful talent agent, contacts in London.

Little Marlene, a former British torpedo boat converted to a private yacht, left the port of Honolulu and set a course northwest of the island of Oahu for the express purpose of filming a lifeboat scene for a movie under the direction of Herbert Verhusson, internationally recognized film producer and registered owner of the ship.

LMie Marlene, a former British torpedo boat converted to a private yacht, left the port of Honolulu and set a course northwest of the island of Oahu for the express purpose of filming a lifeboat scene for a movie under the direction of Herbert Verhusson, internationally recognized film producer and registered owner of the ship.

The extracts of all fifty-five DNA samples were sent to The Bode Technology Group, an internationally respected private DNA laboratory, best known for assisting the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) in using mitochondrial DNA to determine the identity of America's Vietnam War Unknown Soldier.