Usage examples of "interna".
I remember him as an interna nice, quiet person who sort of faded into the woodwork.
She was assistant to the vice president for interna tional sales, Klaxon Oil.
French initials-EPI, for Expedition Polaire Interna The little town built inside the mountain was called EPI 1, and the settlement that was sheltered beneath the ice of Square 612 was EPI 2.
Finlayson of Glasgow has recently reported an interesting case in a physician who, after protracted constipation and pain in the back and sides, passed large numbers of the larvae of the flower-fly, anthomyia canicularis, and there are other instances of myiosis interna from swallowing the larvae of the common house-fly.
Ammianus very justly remarks, Coactus dissimulare pro tempore ira sufflabatur interna.