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The Collaborative International Dictionary
intermediate product

Intermediate \In`ter*me"di*ate\, n.

  1. A person who intermediates between others, especially in negotiations; an intermediary; a mediator.

  2. Something that is intermediate.

  3. Specifically: (Chem.) A compound which is produced in the course of a chemical synthesis, which is not itself the final product, but is used in further reactions which produce the final product; also called synthetic intermediate, intermediate compound or intermediate product; -- contrasted to starting material and end product or final product. There may be many different intermediates between the starting material and end product in the course of a complex synthesis; as, many industrial chemicals are produced primarily to be used as intermediates in other syntheses.

    Note: The term has the same meaning with respect to intermediate compounds produced in a biosynthetic pathway in living organisms.

Intermediate product

An intermediate product is a product that might require further processing before it is saleable to the ultimate consumer.

This further processing might be done by the producer or by another processor. Thus, an intermediate product might be a final product for one company and an input for another company that will process it further.

Usage examples of "intermediate product".

The flame is blue because the combustion is quick, not producing soot as an intermediate product.