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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Interlineal \In`ter*lin"e*al\, Interlinear \In`ter*lin"e*ar\, a. Contained between lines; written or inserted between lines already written or printed; containing interlineations; as, an interlinear manuscript, translation, etc. -- In`ter*lin"e*ar*ly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from Medieval Latin interlinearis "that which is between the lines," from inter- (see inter-) + Latin linearis (see linear).


a. 1 (context of text English) inserted between the lines of a text 2 having alternate lines of text in different languages n. such a text


adj. written between lines of text [syn: interlineal]

Usage examples of "interlinear".

This use of the allative may typically occur in connection with the verb caita- "lie", as in this sentence from the prose Namárië: Mornië caita i falmalinnar, "darkness lies on the foaming waves" (falma "foaming wave", here not only with the plural allative ending -nnar but also the "partitive plural" marker -li, in this context possibly implying a great number of waves: In his interlinear translation in RGEO:67, Tolkien analyzed falma-li-nnar as "foaming waves-many-upon").

The ablative may likewise indicate motion "out of" something rather than merely "from" it: The word sindanóriello occurring in Namárië Tolkien translated "out of a grey country" (though in the interlinear analysis in RGEO:67, he broke it down as sinda-nórie-llo, "grey-country-from").

A rather small number of books—tiny student octavo volumes of the usual Continental savants, their margins and interlinear spaces now caulked with his notes.