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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Interfere \In`ter*fere"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Interfered; p. pr. & vb. n. Interfering.] [OF. entreferir to strike each other; entre between (L. inter) + OF. ferir to strike, F. f['e]rir, fr. L. ferire. See Ferula.]

  1. To come in collision; to be in opposition; to clash; -- usually used with with; as, interfering claims, or commands; workers in a crowded shop may interfere with each other's activity.

  2. To enter into, or take a part in, the concerns of others; to intermeddle; to interpose; -- used with in or with; as, to interfere with the way I raise my children.

    To interfere with party disputes.

    There was no room for anyone to interfere with his own opinions.
    --Bp. Warburton.

  3. To strike one foot against the opposite foot or ankle in using the legs; -- sometimes said of a human being, but usually of a horse; as, the horse interferes.

  4. (Physics) To act reciprocally, so as to augment, diminish, or otherwise affect one another; -- said of waves, rays of light, heat, etc. See Interference, 2.

  5. (Patent Law) To cover the same ground; to claim the same invention; as, to interfere with another patent.

    Syn: To interpose; intermeddle. See Interpose.


n. interference vb. (present participle of interfere English)


adj. intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner; "an interfering old woman"; "bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself"; "busy about other people's business" [syn: meddlesome, meddling, officious, busy, busybodied]

Usage examples of "interfering".

Court sustained unanimously the right of the National Executive to go into the federal courts and secure an injunction against striking railway employees who were interfering with interstate commerce, although it was conceded that there was no statutory basis for such action.

Under conditions of physical stagnation, when the circulation is less active, much of this waste matter tends to remain in the tissues of the body, accumulating and interfering with cell activity and normal functioning in general.

I raised my hands behind my head to avoid interfering with whatever they intended.

Now go upstairs and say hello to your brother and let me speak with Aster without your hotheadedness interfering.

That might delay the Imperials from interfering here for a few more minutes.

How is it, then, that Judge Douglas infers, because I hope to see slavery put where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction, that I am in favor of Illinois going over and interfering with the cranberry laws of Indiana?

Murray learned that a large fleet of piratical junks were said to be commanded by an Englishman, but little was known about them, except from the depredations they committed on the Chinese merchant shipping, and occasionally on that of other nations, although they had hitherto avoided the risk of interfering with English vessels.

If Mandelbrot knew how fast the chemfets were interfering with his health, the robot just might have to turn him and Ariel over to the medical robots of Robot City under the First Law.

I knew that slave girls were often left to impose their own order upon themselves, masters usually not interfering in such matters.

The unnatural distention of the stomach with food causes it to press upon the neighboring organs, interfering with the proper performance of their functions, and, if frequently repeated, gives rise to serious disease.

Also, there are a great many psis on CCC, interfering with clear perception of such things.

Algernon would never be free of highborn idiots like Quinnipiac interfering with his career.

Furthermore, with the sight on the right rimbase, it is not convenient for the 2d Captain to attend the screw without interfering with the aim.

Ignorant spirits hover around the earth plane interfering with mortals, and make them act as if insane.

The very last thing any of them wanted now was Marak, already in a temper, conveying to the Ila, whose relations with Earth were ancient, unpleasant, and always full of acrimony, that Earth was now interfering with their taps, potentially including hers.