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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Interdigitate \In`ter*dig"i*tate\, v. t. To interweave. [R.]


Interdigitate \In`ter*dig"i*tate\, v. i. [Pref. inter- + L. digitus finger.] To interlock, as the fingers of two hands that are joined; to be interwoven; to commingle.


vb. 1 (context transitive English) To fold or lock together, as when the fingers of one hand are laced between those of the other. 2 (context intransitive English) To become folded or locked together, like the fingers of a folded hand. 3 (context transitive figuratively English) To intermingle; to present alternately items from one group and then another.

Usage examples of "interdigitate".

I'm a web of filaments so fine you cannot see, a juggle of electrocurrents, an interdigitated field of biomolecules and interactive membranes.

At first they were relieved to have reached the level road, but soon they found they made no more progress than previously as they traveled first eastward, then westward, then eastward again between the deep gorges that interdigitated the skylands from either side.