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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Interdigital \In`ter*dig"i*tal\, a. (Anat.) Between the fingers or toes; as, interdigital space.


a. (context anatomy English) Between the fingers or toes.


InterDigital is a company that develops wireless technologies for mobile devices, networks, and services worldwide. Founded in 1972, InterDigital is listed on NASDAQ and is included in the S&P MidCap 400 index.

InterDigital has a portfolio of about 20,000 U.S. and foreign issued patents and patent applications. In 2012 Business Insider put them on their list of the 8 most fearsome patent trolls. This allegation was rebutted by CEO, Bill Merritt, in an interview the same year with Engadget: "Traditionally, people see trolls as companies that don't do their own development, or don't have products....we have hundreds of engineers, we participate in and often chair standards committees, and we partner with leading operators, infrastructure companies and solution providers to develop and test new solutions."

Usage examples of "interdigital".

Mom was never interested solely in the heart line, head line, and lifelines, but equally in the anatomical snuffbox, the interdigital pads, the heel of the hand, the thenar eminence, and the hypothenar.

Like a clay mold, the soft interdigital pads at the base of her fingers had taken a clear impression of the drawer handle, and the metacarpals ached as if the red groove in her flesh were reflected in the bone beneath.