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n. The state or quality of being interconnected


Interconnectivity refers to the state or quality of being connected together. The concept is widely used in various fields such as biology, network theory, and ecology. It can be further elaborated as all parts of a system, which interact with one another and cannot be analyzed if considered alone. Despite subtle differences in meaning, interconnectivity is often related to the ideas of interconnectedness and interdependence.

Usage examples of "interconnectivity".

And this systems view, despite what misuses it might suffer, was nonetheless a great advance over mythology in understanding the interconnectivity of the Kosmos, for it replaced syncretic wholes (seven orifices mean seven planets) with holons, or whole/parts that are contextually situated in a way that does not do violence to individual wholes or parts.

That is an excellent and very accurate description of the insides of the mythological worldspace, where syncretic wholes define the nature of interconnectivity in the Kosmos as disclosed at that depth.