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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Intercept \In`ter*cept"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Intercepted; p. pr. & vb. n. Intercepting.] [L. interceptus, p. p. of intercipere to intercept; inter between + capere to take, seize: cf. F. intercepter. See Capable.]

  1. To take or seize by the way, or before arrival at the destined place; to cause to stop on the passage; as, to intercept a letter; a telegram will intercept him at Paris.

    God will shortly intercept your breath.

  2. To obstruct or interrupt the progress of; to stop; to hinder or oppose; as, to intercept the current of a river.

    Who intercepts me in my expedition?

    We must meet first, and intercept his course.

  3. To interrupt communication with, or progress toward; to cut off, as the destination; to blockade.

    While storms vindictive intercept the shore.

  4. (Math.) To include between; as, that part of the line which is intercepted between the points A and B.

  5. To overhear or view (a communication or message intended for another), without hindering its passage; as, to intercept a telephone call.

  6. (Sports) To catch and take possession of (a ball passed between members of an opposing team); as, the back intercepted the pass and ran the ball back for a touchdown.

    Syn: To cut off; stop; catch; seize; obstruct.


vb. (en-past of: intercept)

Usage examples of "intercepted".

He had discovered, from intercepted letters, that his adversary, sacrificing the interest of the state to that of the monarch, had again excited the Barbarians to invade the provinces of the West.

One day someone brought some suspicious intercepted messages up to him.

The unfortunate Attalus, who was left without subjects or allies, embarked in one of the ports of Spain, in search of some secure and solitary retreat: but he was intercepted at sea, conducted to the presence of Honorius, led in triumph through the streets of Rome or Ravenna, and publicly exposed to the gazing multitude, on the second step of the throne of his invincible conqueror.

In their private converse, in their public worship, they bitterly execrate the three usurpers who intercepted his indefeasible right to the dignity of Imam and Caliph.

She hadn't noticed them when she was on the compound bluff, nor when she had intercepted Aygar.

He glanced at the Fleet attache and intercepted a knowing look to the Ambassador's private secretary.

No shields on a ship that size could withstand the strain if he intercepted at high velocity.

There was a whispered conference as Jamas' steward intercepted Egdril's and exchanged notes.

Their last intercepted communication indicated we must proceed with immense caution in the use of this power source.

He had already adroitly intercepted criticism of the shy girl on several occasions.

Blairik, whom Rojer found a pain in the neck, intercepted him before he could catch up with Asia.

And because everyone knew where to find Ezra, he often intercepted complaints and minor problems that would have added unnecessary burdens to the admiral and the governor.

He must have been following their progress along the roadway to have intercepted them so neatly.

They got down the stairs without being intercepted and F'lar directed F'nor toward the newly opened entrance by the Hatching Ground.

Tagetarl intercepted his circuit, pushing the book at him and holding out an open hand.