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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Intercalate \In*ter"ca*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Intercalated; p. pr. & vb. n. Intercalating.] [L. intercalatus, p. p. of intercalare to intercalate to intercalate; inter between + calare to call, proclaim. See Calendar.]

  1. (Chron.) To insert, as a day or other portion of time, in a calendar.

  2. To insert among others, as a verse in a stanza; specif. (Geol.), to introduce as a bed or stratum, between the layers of a regular series of rocks.

    Beds of fresh-water shells . . . are intercalated and interstratified with the shale.


vb. (present participle of intercalate English)