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Interamnium (Greek: ) – also, Interamnia and Interamna ( Greek: ) – is an ancient Latin placename, meaning "between rivers". There were at least four towns of ancient Italy and one of ancient Spain so named:

  • Interamna Nahars (or Nahartium), the modern Terni: the rivers are the Nera and the Tiber;
  • Interamna Praetutiana (or Interamna Praetutianorum), the modern Teramo: the rivers are the Tordino and the Vezzola;
  • Interamna Lirinas, no modern successor, on the Liri River.
  • Interamnium, at the junction of the Coscile and Esaro rivers, in the vicinity of modern Spezzano Albanese.
  • Interamnium Flavium now Ponferrada, Spain
  • The asteroid 704 Interamnia is named after the town of Teramo.