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n. The quality of being interactive.


Across the many fields concerned with interactivity, including informa n, tthe meaning of the term interactivity, although all ar tion with computers and other machines with a use

Multiple views on interactivity exist. In the "contingency view" of interactivity, there are three levels:

  1. No interactive, when a message is not related to previous messages;
  2. Reactive, when a message is related only to one immediately previous message; and
  3. Interactive, when a message is related to a number of previous messages and to the relationship between them.

One body of research has made a strong distinction between interaction and interactivity. As the suffix 'ity' is used to form nouns that denote a quality or condition, this body of research has defined interactivity as the 'quality or condition of interaction'. These researchers suggest that the distinction between interaction and interactivity is important since interaction may be present in any given setting, but the quality of the interaction varies from low and high.

Usage examples of "interactivity".

The interactivity of this medium is a guarantee against the monopolization of contents.

For what is interactivity if not the active involvement of the user in the creation of content?

Simultaneity and interactivity - this will be the name of the game in the Internet.

Arts 1, FedFacts, NetSearch, NetTeach, NetAgent, and MultiMail put the basic elements of interactivity in the living rooms of the two flavors of underclass that had resisted eradication - one economic, the other intellectual.

It was about how interactivity was going to make your life better in the future, and we couldn't stop giggling because of all the Pentium jokes about decimal points being spammed around the Internet.

The software houses have only remastered fifty movies for interactivity so far.