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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Intentionally \In*ten"tion*al*ly\, adv. In an intentional manner; with intention; by design; of purpose.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"on purpose," 1660s; see intentional + -ly (2).


adv. In an intentional manner, on purpose.


adv. with intention; in an intentional manner; "he used that word intentionally"; "I did this by choice" [syn: deliberately, designedly, on purpose, purposely, advisedly, by choice, by design] [ant: by chance, unintentionally, unintentionally]

Intentionally (horse)

Intentionally (April 2, 1956 – January 15, 1970) was an American Champion Thoroughbred racehorse and an important foundation sire for the Florida horse breeding industry.

Usage examples of "intentionally".

I have not, as far as I know, and certainly not intentionally, been guilty of anything criminal.

Rodolfo demanded, in an intentionally ironic parody of the typical commissa rio di polizia, given to fixed ideas and the third degree.

Perhaps, sir, you did not create this terrific waste intentionally, but were misled into causing this expense by the temptation to activate the obsolete Sections 67 and 68 of the Interservice Code.

Somewhere in between these is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, where symptoms can be intentionally feigned .

Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations.

What makes this even dirtier is that Hope is someone who has never intentionally backstabbed anyone in her life.

In this view, our subjective sense of making choices, intentionally pursuing our desires, and acting on the basis of our beliefs is illusory in the sense that our actions are in reality simply products of our brains in interaction with the environment.

He also has to assume they may have been sunk intentionally and that all our boomers are now at risk.

The system might seem intentionally designed to exclude the lower classes, except why bother, since clones far outnumbered summerlings, anyway?

Lord Hood, who had now been compelled to evacuate Toulon, suspected Paoli of intentionally deceiving him.

I heard some of the prisoners go so far as to exonerate the Confederate Government from any charge of intentionally subjecting them to a protracted confinement, with its necessary and unavoidable sufferings, in a country cut off from all intercourse with foreign nations, and sorely pressed on all sides, whilst on the other hand they charged their prolonged captivity upon their own Government, which was attempting to make the negro equal to the white man.

He did nothing to bridge the crevasse and warm the glacier air at table when the doctor, anecdotal intentionally to draw him out, related a decorous but pungent story of one fair member of a sweet new sisterhood in agitation against the fixed establishment of our chain-mail marriage-tie.

It was evident that the spy had intentionally calumniated her, professing to have heard her speak incriminating words.

Davids in Canada, the British would retaliate by burning Washington -- a letter said to be either antedated or intentionally delayed, as it reached its address when the capital was in ashes.

Whether intentionally or not, she was rubbing her bisexuality, her youth, and her happiness in his face.