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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Intensively \In*ten"sive*ly\, adv. In an intensive manner; by increase of degree.
--Abp. Bramhall.


adv. In an intensive way.


adv. in an intensive manner; "he studied the snake intensively"

Usage examples of "intensively".

She also had her own pack, the spies she herself had trained intensively over the winter.

The peculiar nature of the warmer regions of the earth enables the spirit to reveal itself more intensively than is possible in the temperate zone.

According to Glenn Wilburn, who has intensively investigated the connection, Strassmeir claimed he stopped working when it started to rain, then went home and watched the bombing on TV.

The Millers had a badminton court in the shade of an enormous old oak, and after a short pause to let the hot dogs digest at least partially, Rick and Scotty let themselves in for a series of trouncings by the girls, who had obviously been playing intensively.

He began to read intensively in the literature on the effects of calcium-binding protein levels, on corticosteroids, on the calcium currents in the hippocampal pyramidal neurons, and on the calcification of the pineal gland.

It looks like only one other one is being farmed as intensively as this.

Similarly, Aboriginal Australian hunter-gatherers, variously transplanted to Flinders Island, Tasmania, or southeastern Australia, ended up extinct, or as hunter-gatherers with the modern world's simplest technology, or as canal builders intensively managing a productive fishery, depending on their environments.

I have forgotten much of British history, though I studied it intensively when I was a naval cadet.

Our task: to reconnoiter more intensively as far as south of Homs-Tripoli, with particular attention to an almost insurmountable north-south mountain range between Homs and Tripoli.

And -- I could if I wished give you quite a few more examples of this -- the more intensively a task requires our energies, arousing and exalting us at one time, tiring and depressing us at another, the more easily we may come to neglect this wellspring, just as when we are carried away by some intellectual work we easily forget to attend to the body.

They were familiar with the weapons specs, having intensively trained with them back in the United States.

Furthermore, we now have a wire recording of U-691 's most recent transmission, which she and I have been studying intensively.