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The Collaborative International Dictionary

intensifying \intensifying\ adj. increasing in strength or intensity. [Narrower terms: aggravating, exacerbating, exasperating ; {augmentative, enhancive; deepening(prenominal), heightening(prenominal) ] {moderating


vb. (present participle of intensify English)


adj. increasing in strength or intensity [ant: moderating]

Usage examples of "intensifying".

Sarah was totally lost in the intensifying physical sensations as he fondled her breasts and sucked them in just the way she liked, as he stroked her and touched her in ways that made her cry out.

She lin­gered, more intent now on the tension that she could feel building in him, intensifying to a crescendo, wanting to make him writhe with need as he had done to her.

Far from diminishing on closer acquaintance, the physical interest he’d felt in her for years was intensifying every time he saw her.

Moreover, pregnancy was having the curi­ous side effect of intensifying her physical needs, as one of the booklets Dr.

The rush of danger was as addictive as any drug, and it was in his veins again, burning him, eating at him like an acid—killing him and intensifying the feeling of life all at once.

He reveled in the waves of intensifying pleasure that made them clutch at each other, straining together in an effort to reach the peak of their passion.

His hand closed roughly around her breast, kneading, rubbing her nipple through the layers of blouse and bra, both easing and intensifying the ache that made them swell toward his touch.

She wanted to rub herself against him like a cat, intensifying the sensation, but she lay very still and concentrated on the rhythm of his heartbeat.

Lingering over the lovemaking helped satisfy his own hunger, while intensifying his partner’s.

The air was heavy and humid, intensifying the odors of the lake and the surrounding lush, green mountains.

Meg lifted her skirts and hurried up the stairs, the flickering torchlight intensifying the flush in her cheeks.

The blood of battle was on him, the fierceness of it singing through his veins, intensifying the rage she could feel blasting from him in waves.

She had thought her situation was static, but instead it seemed to be intensifying, with new situations being thrown at her just as she thought she had a handle on the old ones.

His mouth closed over hers, leisurely intensifying the pressure until her lips parted.

The rooms seemed to echo, intensifying her sense of being alone, of missing Jeanette.