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n. (plural of intendant English)

Usage examples of "intendants".

A few of the Intendants had been sulky or downright hostile, but most understood their place and were overzealous in trying to please her.

When Kira met with Intendants or planetary officials, she usually chose to have Marani accompany her.

The celebration of the Alliance victory over the Terran Empire was drawing Intendants and high-ranking Alliance officials from far-flung sectors.

Many of the key players were there, including Natima Lang, head of the Cardassian Detapa Council, and the Intendants from Orion, Breen, Tholia, Trill, and other far-flung empires.

The entire outfit was worth more than most Intendants acquired during a standard year.

Other Intendants would begin to resist her demands, and her structure of terror and intimidation could erode.

Deanna was a wealth of information about the Intendants and Alliance officials.

Over the past several weeks, she had secretly obtained the agreement of every major Intendant and scores of minor Intendants and Alliance officials.

For many years, there had been grumbling that the Intendants who ruled the numerous systems in the former Terran Empire were mismanaging trade matters for their own gain.

And surely the Tholian, Breen, and Ferengi empires would have something to say about it as well, not to mention the Intendants themselves.

A few of the other Intendants controlled key systems such as Sol, Andor, or, as in Troi's case, Betazed.

Not present were the hundreds of Intendants of the other systems and colony planets that had been subjugated first by the Terran Empire and then by the Alliance.

Basically, the Overseer would be in charge of the Intendants of each sector.

Dukat and the Intendants before him had stripped the system of its uridium, buying Bajor a seat at the Alliance table.

She gave numerous orders to the Intendants as she scanned the data her advisors forwarded to her.