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intelligence test

n. a psychometric test of intelligence; "they used to think that intelligence is what an intelligence test tests" [syn: IQ test]

Usage examples of "intelligence test".

Maybe the Message (all over the planet, the word was beginning to be capitalized) was an intelligence test, so those worlds too stupid to decrypt it would be unable to misuse its contents.

In the final segment of his show he had his two most famous dolphins, Emilio and Emilia, take an intelligence test in a real-time competition against two of the villa guides, one male and one female, who had been selected at random that evening.

At Columbia College (where he was admitted because he charmed an interviewer, scored well on the intelligence test, and wasn't a New Yorker) he barely avoided expulsion for bad grades.

The photo of four young people playing with a striped beach ball appealed to him because one of the scientists in the lab had evidently used balls of various sizes in an intelligence test that Einstein had particularly enjoyed.

It was as though they had just given him an intelligence test, but a simple one, to prove he was not a complete basket case.

There are two essential parts to the perfect intelligence test: it must test intelligence and nothing else, and it must make it certain that the intelligence be displayed.

The Armenian and the Frenchman later failed the Intelligence Test and wound up in the army of Dispenser of Mayhem.

And because we flunked whatever intelligence test it sent us today.

Taisdan, said Pakkpekatt, keeping his steady gaze on Lando, is there as much as a minority opinion on your team that believes we should wait until we have deciphered what General Calrissian has called the 'intelligence test'?