integrated circuit
▪ Each pattern is closely integrated with a textured background to give an especially homely appeal.
▪ Reaction even against the political system with which it was so closely integrated was muted.
▪ By now the groups were fully integrated: pupils from both schools, who had not worked together before, did so.
▪ Moreover, such a theory must more fully integrate diverse moments of social reproduction, both semiotic and political economic.
▪ He will also be responsible for Johnson Brothers' customer service when it is fully integrated later in the year.
▪ So the cosmic mind is one, though it contains infinite aspects of being within its fully integrated and indestructible unity.
▪ They must also show their HIV/AIDS services are fully integrated into their community care plans.
▪ The specialists were moved from their functional silos into those teams and integrated fully with all other maintenance technicians.
▪ Unlike the Maze, Maghaberry is a fully integrated prison where loyalists and republicans live cheek-by-jowl.
▪ It had been fully integrated into the Telecom system five years previously.
▪ Were indigenous peoples there more successfully integrated?
▪ Any one person may hold aspects of each together, though not necessarily in a way which is successfully integrated.
▪ In other words, they are more vertically integrated.
▪ A vertically integrated film company combines development, production, distribution and exhibition.
▪ The form is neither statist nor a single, vertically integrated organisation.
▪ Prior to nationalisation many of the larger undertakings had been vertically integrated, both generating power and distributing and selling it.
▪ The daunting concertante piano part is well integrated into the burgeoning orchestral texture, and sharply articulated by Love Derwinger.
▪ The suite integrates well with the Windows 95 version of Microsoft Office.
▪ This acquisition, which complemented the group's sales profile, has been well integrated during the year.
▪ However, these early systems are not consumer friendly or well integrated.
▪ Such houses were well integrated into the surrounding community, and rested on a solid basis of craft-work, commerce and trade.
▪ It is not that they can not be well integrated even when career opportunities are quite different for them.
▪ The Lower Primary pupils are well integrated into the life of the School.
▪ First, and most obviously, it must be well integrated.
▪ The sequential processing requires special measures in order to integrate the activities involved.
▪ Indeed, if necessary, it can be integrated into other classroom activities.
▪ It is management's job to integrate activities and get work done through other members of the organisation.
▪ Distributed graphical applications will be far more difficult to develop and will not integrate with existing applications.
▪ The five applications include Xalt Desk - a user interface, which can be used to integrate third party applications.
▪ IBIsys integrates a variety of applications at both client and server level enabling transparent communication via a Unix host.
▪ The data feeds can also be integrated with in-house applications.
▪ The company says it can be integrated with an application in an few hours.
▪ But the plan fell far short of the integrated approach to neighborhood conservation that was being called for.
▪ We can see how these experiences enhance a hands-on, integrated approach.
▪ Fewer attempts are made to integrate or reconcile competing perspectives at an editorial level.
▪ In recent years a number of attempts to integrate and coordinate these functions has come to be called Physical Distribution Management.
▪ The strategy for integrating the acquired business after the proposed transaction.
▪ Skills developed are extended to produce projects based on business scenarios culminating in integrated business documents.
▪ Information systems should be integrated with the business plan at all three layers of the management hierarchy.
▪ They must also show their HIV/AIDS services are fully integrated into their community care plans.
▪ Burkert shows that Orphism does not fit the model of an integrated community conscious of its own identity.
▪ Culture and religion also serve to integrate the immigrant community and to insulate it from wider society.
▪ Conservation must be integrated into the local community.
▪ Such houses were well integrated into the surrounding community, and rested on a solid basis of craft-work, commerce and trade.
▪ These difficulties were exacerbated by the almost complete absence of indigenous, vertically-integrated companies.
▪ Microsoft executives emphasized that Explorer, when integrated with other company software, can smoothly run large company intranets.
▪ A vertically integrated film company combines development, production, distribution and exhibition.
▪ Verio acquired Pioneer Global in February and integrated the company into its fast-growing Northeast regional operations last summer.
▪ Biermann said that this business had now been completely integrated into the company.
▪ Whatever your design, make sure that it integrates with company design and, what's more, contributes to profit.
▪ In addition, let us encourage colleagues to integrate machine-readable data and computer exercises into their thematic courses.
▪ Gartner provides consulting and other services to help companies integrate their computer systems and get the most use out of them.
▪ The company helps clients integrate various computer systems.
▪ The demand from the hospitality industry was to integrate different computer systems and to continue the automation of the keycard concept.
▪ Also, make sure that the provider works with customers to integrate their computer systems.
▪ It's designed to operate across multiple computer systems and to integrate anything from personal computers to mainframes.
▪ Y., will provide the venture with its skills in integrating and running computer systems.
▪ The principal shortcoming of the existing communications infrastructure lies in its inability to provide integrated voice, data, and video services.
▪ In addition, let us encourage colleagues to integrate machine-readable data and computer exercises into their thematic courses.
▪ Other systems, such as the weather predictor mentioned above, can continuously integrate new data as they become available.
▪ The results of these investigations are being integrated with new geophysical data to produce a three-dimensional geological model of the area.
▪ Newer LAN/MAN technologies make it possible to integrate data and voice traffic locally too.
▪ A vertically integrated film company combines development, production, distribution and exhibition.
▪ Community interest will lead to self-reliant integrated development with science and technology playing an important part.
▪ We have formed a new unit to integrate our development engineering and research resources more closely with the needs of the business.
▪ Emphasis on the importance of integrating retail developments with housing, employment and transport policies is particularly welcome.
▪ Essentially, states could no longer ensure economic growth unless they integrated with other similar economies.
▪ This stems from the fact that the introduction of international trade combines both countries into an integrated economy.
▪ But in an increasingly integrated global economy, pronouncing a crisis over is a risky game.
▪ This will serve as a model of an integrated economy.
▪ Development aid, international monetary assistance, transnational corporate investment are all geared towards integrating Third World economies into a global market.
▪ The failure to reproduce the integrated economy poses diffIculties in predicting the trade pattern.
▪ The other equilibria are with all factors of production concentrated in one country, thus achieving the integrated world economy.
▪ Brooke-Rose's first four novels also share with Spark's work an effort to integrate intellectual pursuits with questions of self-definition.
▪ And it almost always involves an effort integrated with the efforts of others to form a combined final product.
▪ The incident grew out of student efforts to integrate the local bowling alley.
▪ It is functional because it serves to integrate various groups in society.
▪ Still, we were a pretty integrated group.
▪ Moreover, by this means Corinth has tied the support people directly to the integrated group product, and to the customer.
▪ There was a silence after this during which both of them tried to integrate this information but could not.
▪ Strategies to integrate existing and planned information systems.
▪ The planned reference implementation will be distributed free and SunConnect will be integrating the information into a management system.
▪ It takes time to integrate this information. 10.
▪ As a result Environmental Archaeology integrates information drawn widely from the environmental, biological, earth and archaeological sciences.
▪ Electronic technology provides a single medium with the power to integrate diverse types of information.
▪ Everyone needs to be able to integrate work with personal life.
▪ For the leader, as for any integrated person, life itself is the career.
▪ The Lower Primary pupils are well integrated into the life of the School.
▪ A pilot project in Zambezia province aims to decentralize and integrate management of donor and provincial funds.
▪ The two companies will form an integrated project management team, sharing risks and rewards but not revenue or regulatory risks.
▪ There should be no mistaking where the logic of a totally free, totally integrated world labor market leads.
▪ Not all children with special needs are integrated within mainstream schools.
▪ We are sensitive to a business's overall financial needs and so can integrate pensions and insurance into them.
▪ Cable systems can be integrated with wireless transmission networks to provide voice transmissions to phones and data transmissions to personal communicators.
▪ The Mormon commonwealth grew to encompass a far-flung but tightly integrated network of planned towns.
▪ Transport planning should be integrated with energy policy.
▪ Microsoft counters by pointing to language in the settlement that permits integrated products.
▪ Moreover, by this means Corinth has tied the support people directly to the integrated group product, and to the customer.
▪ Previously such localities were integrated within the production and reproduction of capital.
▪ Transnational corporation production tends to be globally integrated into vertically organized production processes.
▪ Komatsu, which makes heavy machinery, is integrating its research system with that of its suppliers.
▪ Not all children with special needs are integrated within mainstream schools.
▪ Only 2 percent of students here attend integrated schools.
▪ Life at home was good, I had become used to living with my parents, and gradually I integrated at school.
▪ Helen Farrimond has been principal of the integrated Cranmore School in Belfast since it opened in 1993.
▪ But while restaurants, buses and restrooms have remained integrated, many schools have not.
▪ None the less, a number of children with severe learning difficulties are integrated into mainstream schools in groups younger than their own age.
▪ C., Campbell integrated the Raleigh public schools at the age of 7&038;.
▪ Ministers will later examine whether housing benefit, administered by local councils, can also be integrated into the merged service.
▪ That is to integrate their services with those of the business incubators we described earlier.
▪ The operator also announced Spheris, a new messaging software designed to integrate its existing telecommunications services on to personal computers.
▪ It is functional because it serves to integrate various groups in society.
▪ But, in accordance with the Soviet desire to integrate art and society, a far-ranging system of commissions did operate.
▪ In other words, the expert system techniques had to integrate with existing conventional software.
▪ Microsoft executives emphasized that Explorer, when integrated with other company software, can smoothly run large company intranets.
▪ A thesaurus module that is integrated into the software used for database creation, maintenance and searching is particularly valuable.
▪ The main problem is understood to be integrating the software and the microchip decoder apparatus in the receiver.
▪ In other words, the expert system techniques had to integrate with existing conventional software.
▪ Cable systems can be integrated with wireless transmission networks to provide voice transmissions to phones and data transmissions to personal communicators.
▪ Information systems should be integrated with the business plan at all three layers of the management hierarchy.
▪ The proposed system will integrate conventional computing, expert systems, and neural network methods.
▪ Although the two systems are not integrated at the moment, they will be eventually.
▪ Such systems usually integrate additional electronic components, such as a laserdisc player.
▪ It's designed to operate across multiple computer systems and to integrate anything from personal computers to mainframes.
▪ They have to build systems capable of integrating the knowledge of diverse trends in national markets with the management of flexible supply.
▪ Other former Perpetual staff integrated into the Invesco team include Mary-Anne McIntyre, who will be head of transfer agency.
▪ Therefore, they were key players in those new integrated teams.
▪ The two companies will form an integrated project management team, sharing risks and rewards but not revenue or regulatory risks.
▪ This evening, carried along by her parents' high spirits and generosity, will help integrate Courtney into the team.
▪ The girls who could actually play on an integrated high-school team would be exceedingly rare.
▪ Similarly, environmental requirements must be integrated into science and technology policies.
▪ VARBusiness is an award-winning publication for integrated technology solutions. % % % Verio Inc.
▪ The agreement also allows Novell to integrate the technology in future versions of NetWare.
▪ Commodore have ingeniously integrated established technology to create the appearance of a new kind of multimedia system.
▪ Fault Diagnosis/Isolation: Aircraft have become ever more sophisticated, integrating many technologies within a single airframe.
▪ Instead, they now intend to integrate the technologies only at the network management level.
▪ Obviously, such outlays must be integrated with the theory of consumer demand.
▪ The new data or new findings from the research should be integrated into the established theory base.
▪ Can be integrated into kitchen units.
▪ What committees and / or forums to use to integrate across functions or units 4.
▪ The theoretical modelling will extend and integrate existing work and provide an input into ongoing constitutional debates.
▪ And they deeply understood how to integrate work and fun to promote mutual trust, learning, and performance.
▪ Everyone needs to be able to integrate work with personal life.
▪ With our livelihood coming from food service it is necessary to find a way to integrate our work with our ministry.
▪ What remains is an acceptance of peripheral existence on the social level whilst being totally integrated at a work level.
▪ It is management's job to integrate activities and get work done through other members of the organisation.
▪ When these aids are properly integrated into the course work they give a unique dimension to teaching.
▪ The laboratory integrates experimental work from basic science courses especially physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology.
▪ First, consider the case where the integrated 2 x 2 world economy can accommodate R firms in the manufacturing sector.
▪ It's a way of integrating with the able-bodied world.
▪ There should be no mistaking where the logic of a totally free, totally integrated world labor market leads.
▪ No attempt is made in any of the books I looked at to integrate girls into the world of engineering or technology.
▪ Development aid, international monetary assistance, transnational corporate investment are all geared towards integrating Third World economies into a global market.
▪ The other equilibria are with all factors of production concentrated in one country, thus achieving the integrated world economy.
▪ In his poem Secrets of Self Iqbal had suggested self-search as the key to becoming an integrated self.
▪ Examples today may not be as clear as the ignoring of most black baseball players after the major leagues became integrated.
▪ The prison system is big business which is becoming integrated into the national and local economies.
▪ In fact, the process of becoming a leader is much the same as the process of becoming an integrated human being.
▪ They become integrated into the chromosomes of their carriers and are copied each time the proprietor's cell divides.
▪ Then they can become integrated people capable of being competitive as well as nurturing, assertive as well as loving.
▪ As an extension of this point, it then becomes necessary to integrate knowledge of L1 acquisition with knowledge of F.L. learning.
▪ Distributed graphical applications will be far more difficult to develop and will not integrate with existing applications.
▪ User representatives in international accounting develop integrated international financial and accounting systems for the banking transactions of multinational organizations.
▪ We also need to help learners integrate the components of communication one with another.
▪ Gartner provides consulting and other services to help companies integrate their computer systems and get the most use out of them.
▪ This evening, carried along by her parents' high spirits and generosity, will help integrate Courtney into the team.
▪ We try to integrate the many and varied objectives of the National Trust with all those people associated with it.
▪ I know I should be making an effort to follow what Neil is saying. trying to integrate the self..
▪ There was a silence after this during which both of them tried to integrate this information but could not.
▪ The impression received is that Brooke-Rose had simply given up trying to integrate the conceptual content of her novel with its story.
▪ The tsar was trying to integrate his domains.
▪ I think she's trying to integrate this with the plot of Happy bloody Families.
▪ Bus and subway services have been fully integrated.
▪ Disabled students are integrated in regular classrooms.
▪ Many cities have given up trying to integrate the schools.