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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
integrated circuit
▪ Each pattern is closely integrated with a textured background to give an especially homely appeal.
▪ Reaction even against the political system with which it was so closely integrated was muted.
▪ By now the groups were fully integrated: pupils from both schools, who had not worked together before, did so.
▪ Moreover, such a theory must more fully integrate diverse moments of social reproduction, both semiotic and political economic.
▪ He will also be responsible for Johnson Brothers' customer service when it is fully integrated later in the year.
▪ So the cosmic mind is one, though it contains infinite aspects of being within its fully integrated and indestructible unity.
▪ They must also show their HIV/AIDS services are fully integrated into their community care plans.
▪ The specialists were moved from their functional silos into those teams and integrated fully with all other maintenance technicians.
▪ Unlike the Maze, Maghaberry is a fully integrated prison where loyalists and republicans live cheek-by-jowl.
▪ It had been fully integrated into the Telecom system five years previously.
▪ Were indigenous peoples there more successfully integrated?
▪ Any one person may hold aspects of each together, though not necessarily in a way which is successfully integrated.
▪ In other words, they are more vertically integrated.
▪ A vertically integrated film company combines development, production, distribution and exhibition.
▪ The form is neither statist nor a single, vertically integrated organisation.
▪ Prior to nationalisation many of the larger undertakings had been vertically integrated, both generating power and distributing and selling it.
▪ The daunting concertante piano part is well integrated into the burgeoning orchestral texture, and sharply articulated by Love Derwinger.
▪ The suite integrates well with the Windows 95 version of Microsoft Office.
▪ This acquisition, which complemented the group's sales profile, has been well integrated during the year.
▪ However, these early systems are not consumer friendly or well integrated.
▪ Such houses were well integrated into the surrounding community, and rested on a solid basis of craft-work, commerce and trade.
▪ It is not that they can not be well integrated even when career opportunities are quite different for them.
▪ The Lower Primary pupils are well integrated into the life of the School.
▪ First, and most obviously, it must be well integrated.
▪ The sequential processing requires special measures in order to integrate the activities involved.
▪ Indeed, if necessary, it can be integrated into other classroom activities.
▪ It is management's job to integrate activities and get work done through other members of the organisation.
▪ Distributed graphical applications will be far more difficult to develop and will not integrate with existing applications.
▪ The five applications include Xalt Desk - a user interface, which can be used to integrate third party applications.
▪ IBIsys integrates a variety of applications at both client and server level enabling transparent communication via a Unix host.
▪ The data feeds can also be integrated with in-house applications.
▪ The company says it can be integrated with an application in an few hours.
▪ But the plan fell far short of the integrated approach to neighborhood conservation that was being called for.
▪ We can see how these experiences enhance a hands-on, integrated approach.
▪ Fewer attempts are made to integrate or reconcile competing perspectives at an editorial level.
▪ In recent years a number of attempts to integrate and coordinate these functions has come to be called Physical Distribution Management.
▪ The strategy for integrating the acquired business after the proposed transaction.
▪ Skills developed are extended to produce projects based on business scenarios culminating in integrated business documents.
▪ Information systems should be integrated with the business plan at all three layers of the management hierarchy.
▪ They must also show their HIV/AIDS services are fully integrated into their community care plans.
▪ Burkert shows that Orphism does not fit the model of an integrated community conscious of its own identity.
▪ Culture and religion also serve to integrate the immigrant community and to insulate it from wider society.
▪ Conservation must be integrated into the local community.
▪ Such houses were well integrated into the surrounding community, and rested on a solid basis of craft-work, commerce and trade.
▪ These difficulties were exacerbated by the almost complete absence of indigenous, vertically-integrated companies.
▪ Microsoft executives emphasized that Explorer, when integrated with other company software, can smoothly run large company intranets.
▪ A vertically integrated film company combines development, production, distribution and exhibition.
▪ Verio acquired Pioneer Global in February and integrated the company into its fast-growing Northeast regional operations last summer.
▪ Biermann said that this business had now been completely integrated into the company.
▪ Whatever your design, make sure that it integrates with company design and, what's more, contributes to profit.
▪ In addition, let us encourage colleagues to integrate machine-readable data and computer exercises into their thematic courses.
▪ Gartner provides consulting and other services to help companies integrate their computer systems and get the most use out of them.
▪ The company helps clients integrate various computer systems.
▪ The demand from the hospitality industry was to integrate different computer systems and to continue the automation of the keycard concept.
▪ Also, make sure that the provider works with customers to integrate their computer systems.
▪ It's designed to operate across multiple computer systems and to integrate anything from personal computers to mainframes.
▪ Y., will provide the venture with its skills in integrating and running computer systems.
▪ The principal shortcoming of the existing communications infrastructure lies in its inability to provide integrated voice, data, and video services.
▪ In addition, let us encourage colleagues to integrate machine-readable data and computer exercises into their thematic courses.
▪ Other systems, such as the weather predictor mentioned above, can continuously integrate new data as they become available.
▪ The results of these investigations are being integrated with new geophysical data to produce a three-dimensional geological model of the area.
▪ Newer LAN/MAN technologies make it possible to integrate data and voice traffic locally too.
▪ A vertically integrated film company combines development, production, distribution and exhibition.
▪ Community interest will lead to self-reliant integrated development with science and technology playing an important part.
▪ We have formed a new unit to integrate our development engineering and research resources more closely with the needs of the business.
▪ Emphasis on the importance of integrating retail developments with housing, employment and transport policies is particularly welcome.
▪ Essentially, states could no longer ensure economic growth unless they integrated with other similar economies.
▪ This stems from the fact that the introduction of international trade combines both countries into an integrated economy.
▪ But in an increasingly integrated global economy, pronouncing a crisis over is a risky game.
▪ This will serve as a model of an integrated economy.
▪ Development aid, international monetary assistance, transnational corporate investment are all geared towards integrating Third World economies into a global market.
▪ The failure to reproduce the integrated economy poses diffIculties in predicting the trade pattern.
▪ The other equilibria are with all factors of production concentrated in one country, thus achieving the integrated world economy.
▪ Brooke-Rose's first four novels also share with Spark's work an effort to integrate intellectual pursuits with questions of self-definition.
▪ And it almost always involves an effort integrated with the efforts of others to form a combined final product.
▪ The incident grew out of student efforts to integrate the local bowling alley.
▪ It is functional because it serves to integrate various groups in society.
▪ Still, we were a pretty integrated group.
▪ Moreover, by this means Corinth has tied the support people directly to the integrated group product, and to the customer.
▪ There was a silence after this during which both of them tried to integrate this information but could not.
▪ Strategies to integrate existing and planned information systems.
▪ The planned reference implementation will be distributed free and SunConnect will be integrating the information into a management system.
▪ It takes time to integrate this information. 10.
▪ As a result Environmental Archaeology integrates information drawn widely from the environmental, biological, earth and archaeological sciences.
▪ Electronic technology provides a single medium with the power to integrate diverse types of information.
▪ Everyone needs to be able to integrate work with personal life.
▪ For the leader, as for any integrated person, life itself is the career.
▪ The Lower Primary pupils are well integrated into the life of the School.
▪ A pilot project in Zambezia province aims to decentralize and integrate management of donor and provincial funds.
▪ The two companies will form an integrated project management team, sharing risks and rewards but not revenue or regulatory risks.
▪ There should be no mistaking where the logic of a totally free, totally integrated world labor market leads.
▪ Not all children with special needs are integrated within mainstream schools.
▪ We are sensitive to a business's overall financial needs and so can integrate pensions and insurance into them.
▪ Cable systems can be integrated with wireless transmission networks to provide voice transmissions to phones and data transmissions to personal communicators.
▪ The Mormon commonwealth grew to encompass a far-flung but tightly integrated network of planned towns.
▪ Transport planning should be integrated with energy policy.
▪ Microsoft counters by pointing to language in the settlement that permits integrated products.
▪ Moreover, by this means Corinth has tied the support people directly to the integrated group product, and to the customer.
▪ Previously such localities were integrated within the production and reproduction of capital.
▪ Transnational corporation production tends to be globally integrated into vertically organized production processes.
▪ Komatsu, which makes heavy machinery, is integrating its research system with that of its suppliers.
▪ Not all children with special needs are integrated within mainstream schools.
▪ Only 2 percent of students here attend integrated schools.
▪ Life at home was good, I had become used to living with my parents, and gradually I integrated at school.
▪ Helen Farrimond has been principal of the integrated Cranmore School in Belfast since it opened in 1993.
▪ But while restaurants, buses and restrooms have remained integrated, many schools have not.
▪ None the less, a number of children with severe learning difficulties are integrated into mainstream schools in groups younger than their own age.
▪ C., Campbell integrated the Raleigh public schools at the age of 7&038;.
▪ Ministers will later examine whether housing benefit, administered by local councils, can also be integrated into the merged service.
▪ That is to integrate their services with those of the business incubators we described earlier.
▪ The operator also announced Spheris, a new messaging software designed to integrate its existing telecommunications services on to personal computers.
▪ It is functional because it serves to integrate various groups in society.
▪ But, in accordance with the Soviet desire to integrate art and society, a far-ranging system of commissions did operate.
▪ In other words, the expert system techniques had to integrate with existing conventional software.
▪ Microsoft executives emphasized that Explorer, when integrated with other company software, can smoothly run large company intranets.
▪ A thesaurus module that is integrated into the software used for database creation, maintenance and searching is particularly valuable.
▪ The main problem is understood to be integrating the software and the microchip decoder apparatus in the receiver.
▪ In other words, the expert system techniques had to integrate with existing conventional software.
▪ Cable systems can be integrated with wireless transmission networks to provide voice transmissions to phones and data transmissions to personal communicators.
▪ Information systems should be integrated with the business plan at all three layers of the management hierarchy.
▪ The proposed system will integrate conventional computing, expert systems, and neural network methods.
▪ Although the two systems are not integrated at the moment, they will be eventually.
▪ Such systems usually integrate additional electronic components, such as a laserdisc player.
▪ It's designed to operate across multiple computer systems and to integrate anything from personal computers to mainframes.
▪ They have to build systems capable of integrating the knowledge of diverse trends in national markets with the management of flexible supply.
▪ Other former Perpetual staff integrated into the Invesco team include Mary-Anne McIntyre, who will be head of transfer agency.
▪ Therefore, they were key players in those new integrated teams.
▪ The two companies will form an integrated project management team, sharing risks and rewards but not revenue or regulatory risks.
▪ This evening, carried along by her parents' high spirits and generosity, will help integrate Courtney into the team.
▪ The girls who could actually play on an integrated high-school team would be exceedingly rare.
▪ Similarly, environmental requirements must be integrated into science and technology policies.
▪ VARBusiness is an award-winning publication for integrated technology solutions. % % % Verio Inc.
▪ The agreement also allows Novell to integrate the technology in future versions of NetWare.
▪ Commodore have ingeniously integrated established technology to create the appearance of a new kind of multimedia system.
▪ Fault Diagnosis/Isolation: Aircraft have become ever more sophisticated, integrating many technologies within a single airframe.
▪ Instead, they now intend to integrate the technologies only at the network management level.
▪ Obviously, such outlays must be integrated with the theory of consumer demand.
▪ The new data or new findings from the research should be integrated into the established theory base.
▪ Can be integrated into kitchen units.
▪ What committees and / or forums to use to integrate across functions or units 4.
▪ The theoretical modelling will extend and integrate existing work and provide an input into ongoing constitutional debates.
▪ And they deeply understood how to integrate work and fun to promote mutual trust, learning, and performance.
▪ Everyone needs to be able to integrate work with personal life.
▪ With our livelihood coming from food service it is necessary to find a way to integrate our work with our ministry.
▪ What remains is an acceptance of peripheral existence on the social level whilst being totally integrated at a work level.
▪ It is management's job to integrate activities and get work done through other members of the organisation.
▪ When these aids are properly integrated into the course work they give a unique dimension to teaching.
▪ The laboratory integrates experimental work from basic science courses especially physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology.
▪ First, consider the case where the integrated 2 x 2 world economy can accommodate R firms in the manufacturing sector.
▪ It's a way of integrating with the able-bodied world.
▪ There should be no mistaking where the logic of a totally free, totally integrated world labor market leads.
▪ No attempt is made in any of the books I looked at to integrate girls into the world of engineering or technology.
▪ Development aid, international monetary assistance, transnational corporate investment are all geared towards integrating Third World economies into a global market.
▪ The other equilibria are with all factors of production concentrated in one country, thus achieving the integrated world economy.
▪ In his poem Secrets of Self Iqbal had suggested self-search as the key to becoming an integrated self.
▪ Examples today may not be as clear as the ignoring of most black baseball players after the major leagues became integrated.
▪ The prison system is big business which is becoming integrated into the national and local economies.
▪ In fact, the process of becoming a leader is much the same as the process of becoming an integrated human being.
▪ They become integrated into the chromosomes of their carriers and are copied each time the proprietor's cell divides.
▪ Then they can become integrated people capable of being competitive as well as nurturing, assertive as well as loving.
▪ As an extension of this point, it then becomes necessary to integrate knowledge of L1 acquisition with knowledge of F.L. learning.
▪ Distributed graphical applications will be far more difficult to develop and will not integrate with existing applications.
▪ User representatives in international accounting develop integrated international financial and accounting systems for the banking transactions of multinational organizations.
▪ We also need to help learners integrate the components of communication one with another.
▪ Gartner provides consulting and other services to help companies integrate their computer systems and get the most use out of them.
▪ This evening, carried along by her parents' high spirits and generosity, will help integrate Courtney into the team.
▪ We try to integrate the many and varied objectives of the National Trust with all those people associated with it.
▪ I know I should be making an effort to follow what Neil is saying. trying to integrate the self..
▪ There was a silence after this during which both of them tried to integrate this information but could not.
▪ The impression received is that Brooke-Rose had simply given up trying to integrate the conceptual content of her novel with its story.
▪ The tsar was trying to integrate his domains.
▪ I think she's trying to integrate this with the plot of Happy bloody Families.
▪ Bus and subway services have been fully integrated.
▪ Disabled students are integrated in regular classrooms.
▪ Many cities have given up trying to integrate the schools.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Integrate \In"te*grate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Integrated; p. pr. & vb. n. Integrating.] [L. integratus, p. p. of integrare to make whole, renew: cf. F. int['e]grer. See Integer, Entire.]

  1. To form into one whole; to make entire; to complete; to renew; to restore; to perfect. ``That conquest rounded and integrated the glorious empire.''
    --De Quincey.

    Two distinct substances, the soul and body, go to compound and integrate the man.

  2. To indicate the whole of; to give the sum or total of; as, an integrating anemometer, one that indicates or registers the entire action of the wind in a given time.

  3. (Math.) To subject to the operation of integration; to find the integral of.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1630s, "to render (something) whole," from Latin integratus, past participle of integrare "make whole," from integer "whole" (see integer). Meaning "to put together parts or elements and combine them into a whole" is from 1802. Integrate in the "racially desegregate" sense is a back-formation from integration, dating to the 1948 U.S. presidential contest. Related: Integrated; integrating.


vb. 1 To form into one whole; to make entire; to complete; to renew; to restore; to perfect. 2 To indicate the whole of; to give the sum or total of; as, an integrating anemometer, one that indicates or registers the entire action of the wind in a given time. 3 (context mathematics English) To subject to the operation of integration; to find the integral of. 4 To desegregate, as a school or neighborhood.

  1. v. make into a whole or make part of a whole; "She incorporated his suggestions into her proposal" [syn: incorporate] [ant: disintegrate]

  2. open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups; "This school is completely desegregated" [syn: desegregate, mix] [ant: segregate]

  3. become one; become integrated; "The students at this school integrate immediately, despite their different backgrounds"

  4. calculate the integral of; calculate by integration [ant: differentiate]


IntegRate was a Software product written in C++ based on a pipe-lined high performance architecture for handling batch rating of telecommunications Call Data Records (CDR), developed by the German software company "Solution 42". The product represented one of the first Massively parallel (computing) applications in it area. It allowed to process and charge thousands of events per second on commodity hardware in parallel in a multi core and multi computer environment. The software was able to run on the following operating systems: Windows, Unix/ Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and AIX. It contained highly optimized algorithms for ultra-fast Regular expression matching using an Finite-state machine as well as one of the first self-developed in-memory databases ( IMDB).

The IntegRate platform is known as a conceptual structure for performing the complex task of Telco rating and price modeling. The "Framework" contains "Pipelines", each of which consists of " Plug-ins", which can be freely combined to perform the task at hand. The standard plug-ins cover a wide range of rating tasks (e.g. zoning, service determination) and the overall rating process can be customized by using the IntegRate script languages "iScript" and "iRule". This open architecture allows to configure the plug-in modules to prepare or post-process CDR-information.

Solution42 (a name taken from Douglas Adams's " Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" cult series), originally based in Quickborn, Germany, was purchased by Portal Software in 2000. Since the purchase of Solution42, the IntegRate architecture has been integrated into the so-called "Portal Infranet" telecommications billing platform, now being called the BRE (Batch Rating Engine).

A few years later in 2006 Oracle acquired Portal Software, as a leading global provider of billing and revenue management solutions for the communications and media industry. As such IntegRate (thus renamed) became the central rating and mediation engine with Oracle's CBRM System.

In 2003 the core engineers and lead architects of former Solution42 founded ENTEREST to build the successor product "EDR Workbench" - a usage data management solution for Complex Event Processing in the Big Data domain.

Usage examples of "integrate".

Ego and the Eco will never be integrated in this scheme, with the one absolutizing the noosphere and the other absolutizing the biosphere.

Spielberg was able to integrate computer animatronics and computer animation so seamlessly into his live-action blockbuster that everyone else listened to the ka-ching at the global box-office and decided to embrace the future more enthusiastically.

When a new social reality is formed, integrating both the development of capital and the proletarianization of the population into a single process, the political form of command must itself be modified and articulated in a manner and on a scale adequate to this process, a global quasistate of the disciplinary regime.

Descenders and the Ascenders, and, most lamentably, passes over those systemssuch as that of Plotinusthat perfectly integrate the two.

Our knowledge needs to be integrated and unified, rather than split into little atomistic books.

We became convinced that we symbolized the future, in which an integrated neuroscience would emerge as a result of just such combinations of different brain and behavioural sciences.

Is bioinformatics the tool to integrate the computational work and the wet work?

But this is my own first call to action since Chartres, and we have not yet become the fully integrated team a Bolo and its commander are supposed to be.

Whenever evolution produces a new differentiation, and that differentiation is not integrated, a pathology results, and there are two fundamental ways to approach that pathology.

The pink does guide the tiny machines in making new brain cells, but unless they are created gradually, each being integrated effortlessly as the active brain seizes new supporting structure to hold the record of new experiences, they serve no purpose.

I would word it, the enactive paradigm is a direct and explicitly stated attempt to integrate Left- and Right-Hand approaches to cognition, uniting lived experience and theoretical formulations.

This farming area, for instance, the Hollen Marsh: a big swath of reclaimed swampland, full of Mandasar kids living in small integrated hives.

This is the heart of the new Bible as an irenicon, an organism that absorbed and integrated difference, that included ambiguity and by doing so established peace.

Opposed to it this night is the modern technological fortress, the integrated air defense system--the IADS, sterile name for a citadel that might once have been called Ticonderoga or Krak des Chevaliers.

Tools have always functioned as human prostheses, integrated into our bodies through our laboring practices as a kind of anthropological mutation both in individual terms and in terms of collective social life.