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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Integrant \In"te*grant\, a. [L. integrans, -antis, p. pr. of integrare to make whole, renew: cf. F. int['e]grant. See Integrate.] Making part of a whole; necessary to constitute an entire thing; integral.

All these are integrant parts of the republic.

Integrant parts, or Integrant particles, of bodies, those smaller particles into which a body may be reduced without loss of its original constitution, as by mechanical division.


a. That is part of a whole; integral n. Something that is part of a whole; an element or component

Usage examples of "integrant".

The words flowed in a steady stream as he developed a vocabulary rich with Anxiety Board, Autosynthesis, Cohibition, Counterrhythmic Drag, Integrant and Super-Integrant.