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n. (plural of instrument English)

Instruments (album)

Instruments is Twelve Tribes's only EP.

Instruments (application)

Instruments (formerly Xray) is an application performance analyzer and visualizer, integrated in Xcode 3.0 and later versions of Xcode. It is a developer tool included in Apple Mac OS X v10.5 and later versions of Mac OS X, built on top of the DTrace tracing framework from OpenSolaris and ported to Mac OS X.

Instruments shows a time line displaying any event occurring in the application, such as CPU activity variation, memory allocation, and network and file activity, together with graphs and statistics. Group of events are monitored via customizable "instruments", which have the ability to record user generated events and replay (emulate) them exactly as many times as needed, so a developer can see the effect of code changes without actually doing the repetitive work. The Instrument Builder feature allows the creation of custom analysis instruments.

Built-in instruments can track

  • User events, such as keyboard keys pressed and mouse moves and clicks with exact time.
  • CPU activity of processes and threads.
  • Memory allocation and release, garbage collection and memory leaks.
  • File reads, writes, locks.
  • Network activity and traffic.
  • Graphics and inner workings of OpenGL.
  • Energy diagnostics and "dead" objects.
  • UI automation and Core animation.
Instruments (band)

INSTRUMENTS (always spelled with all capital letters by the band) is a three-piece music recording ensemble based in Halifax, NS, Canada.

J. LaPointe, Jon Hutt, and Daniel MacDonald began playing together in Truro, NS, Canada as early as 1991, formally establishing themselves as The Motes (along with Craig Thibault) in 1994. The foursome released six albums before disbanding in 1998. LaPointe spent 1998 - 2001 playing in North of America, touring extensively and releasing four albums, while Hutt spent that time developing his Recyclone project, releasing three albums and collaborating with Sixtoo, Graematter (Buck 65), and LaPointe once again on the "Numbers" full-length. LaPointe, Hutt, and MacDonald reconvened as Instruments in 2001. They have since released three full length albums, two 12” EPs, multiple digital downloads, and collaborated with Triune Gods, American rapper Bleubird, and producer Skyrider on releases on Endemik Music and the Japanese label Granma Music. The band does make rare live appearances including a 2012 performance sharing the stage with Yamantaka // Sonic Titan at the Halifax Pop Explosion, and as recent as January 2014 with Wintersleep.

Usage examples of "instruments".

But other saints who are moved by God as separated and not united instruments, receive power in a particular manner in order to bring about this or that act.

Just as the one same power of the principal agent is instrumentally in all the instruments that are ordained unto the production of an effect, forasmuch as they are one as being so ordained: so also the one same sacramental power is in both words and things, forasmuch as words and things combine to form one sacrament.

Consequently, it is thus that Christ works in the sacraments, both by wicked men as lifeless instruments, and by good men as living instruments.

The same principal agent uses various instruments unto various effects, in accordance with the thing to be done.

And the more mighty the operation, so much the mightier instruments does the principal agent require.

For instrumental power lies in several instruments through which the chief agent acts.

They are three: The vigor of the mental movement in general, its strength upon the imaginative and sentimental side, and the suggestion from the environment in the way of musical instruments of adequate tonal powers.

Such instruments never existed in the history of the art until about the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Hence in the pages following, the instruments peculiar to each epoch will receive the attention their importance deserves, which is considerably more than that usually allotted them in concise accounts of the history of this art.

The composers of the music of ancient Greece had for instruments only lyres of six or eight strings, with little vibrative power.

After ten centuries of use every suggestion in the compass of these instruments to furnish, had been carried out.

Egypt were the elegantly colored and ornamented priestly instruments which Bruce found in what was afterward discovered to be the tomb of Rameses III, at Biban-El-Moulouk.

Several complete instruments have been found, which, although dating most likely from a period near the Christian era, are nevertheless sufficiently like the representations of ten centuries earlier to make them instructive as well as interesting.

Several of these instruments have been found in a very respectable state of preservation.

They had drums of many kinds, but as none of these instruments have reference to the development of the higher art of music, we do not delay to describe them.