n. a manual usually accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it [syn: instructions, book of instructions, operating instructions]
Usage examples of "instruction manual".
He edged carefully out from under the bulge of the drive unit and got to his feet, still clutching the instruction manual.
If you give me the instruction manual and Polly I promise you shall have a fair trial.
We ran after Hades, noticing as we did so that other fires had been started by Acheron in his pursuit of the instruction manual and the insane Creole.
It was a section which he had read in the instruction manual attached to the time-dredge.
The Department of Archaeology had provided a full instruction manual, which lay open before him.
So I looked for the instruction manual in the glove compartment, failed to find it, then looked over the pilot itself.
While Claudia read aloud from the instruction manual, Sean and Job stripped and reassembled the equipment until they were thoroughly familiar with all of it.
Get out the instruction manual for the main computer, take off the back plate and get lost in them wires.