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vb. (present participle of institutionalize English)

Usage examples of "institutionalizing".

The young natives in particular seemed happy—proud of their work, and pleased that they had managed to keep an emphasis on local semiautonomy, institutionalizing the way most of them had lived under the Transitional Authority.

That was fine, it was the normal course of events, a necessary part of institutionalizing their independence.

The young natives in particular seemed happy-proud of their work, and pleased that they had managed to keep an emphasis on local semiautonomy, institutionalizing the way most of them had lived under the Transitional Authority.

We have kept things on that basis from the beginning, not intentionally at first, but such arrangements have a way of institutionalizing themselves.

Nondisclosure is built into the statutes of the 1947 Act of Congress institutionalizing the CIA.