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vb. (en-past of: institutionalise)

  1. adj. officially placed in or committed to a specialized institution; "had hopes of rehabilitating the institutionalized juvenile delinquents" [syn: institutionalized] [ant: noninstitutionalized]

  2. given the character of an institution or incorporated into a structured and usually well-established system; "institutionalized graft"; "institutionalized suicide as practiced in Japan" [syn: institutionalized]

Usage examples of "institutionalised".

The years of institutionalised living had left their mark, and a very deep sense of loss and pain that no amount of mature logic could entirely overcome.

After so much institutionalised living, she had just begun to discover how much she actually enjoyed living on her own, how much freedom it gave her.

It had a lonely, almost institutionalised air about it, a lack of warmth, of life, of love.

I got institutionalised in an asylum, and the judge in condemnation threw away the key.