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instant message

n. (context communication computing English) A message conveyed through an instant messaging program. vb. (context communication computing English) To convey a message via an instant messaging program.

Usage examples of "instant message".

She said the only time they talked about getting together that night was in an instant message that afternoon and Lara was home all day.

He turned to his computer and immediately sent an instant message to Hood.

I was feeling frustrated and discouraged when another instant message appeared on my screen, this one from the squad again.

Andy replied with an Instant Message assuring Possum that Popeye's photograph was being removed right that minute, and of course, Trooper Truth would call Possum's mama and keep all promises.

An NSA analyst looking at the data had just sent an instant message suggesting the number stream after “.

He got an instant message from Elsa K 69, who evidently remembered him kindly.

Sam had once seen WildCard take a phone call from a rear admiral while writing code and maintaining seven different instant message conversations on America Online.

Talking, putting on a happy face the way he did with his son, wondering who knew and who didn't in the instant message machine known as the Washington grapevine.