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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inspissate \In*spis"sate\, a. [L. inspissatus, p. p.] Thick or thickened; inspissated.


Inspissate \In*spis"sate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Inspissated; p. pr. & vb. n. Inspissating.] [L. inspissatus, p. p. of inspissare to thicken; pref. in- + spissare to thicken, fr. spissus thick.] To thicken or bring to greater consistence, as fluids by evaporation.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1620s, from Late Latin inspissatus, past participle of inspissare, from in- + spissare "to thicken," related to spissus "thick" (see spissitude). Related: Inspissated; inspissating.


vb. 1 (context transitive English) To thicken, especially by boiling, evaporation, or condensation; condense. 2 (context intransitive English) To become viscous.

  1. v. make viscous or dense; "thicken the sauce by adding flour" [syn: thicken]

  2. make thick or thicker; "Thicken the sauce"; "inspissate the tar so that it becomes pitch" [syn: thicken] [ant: thin]

  3. become thick or thicker; "The sauce thickened"; "The egg yolk will inspissate" [syn: thicken] [ant: thin]

Usage examples of "inspissate".

It inspissated, fell in clots, mucal rain, and the sky and air was empty.

In general Stephen Maturin was a poor sleeper, and since his youth he had turned to a number of allies against the intolerable boredom - and sometimes far, far worse than boredom, he having a most vulnerable heart - of insomnia: poppy and mandragora being the most obvious, seconded by the inspissated juice of aconite or of henbane, by datura stramonium, creeping skerit, leopard's bane.

Of course when real investigative science got going they did some work on faeces -- you know, measured the amounts of nitrogen and ether extract and neutral fat and cholalic acid, and all the inspissated mucus and bile and bacteria, and the large amounts of dead bacteria.

This meant that at seven bells in the morning watch the Ramillies's captain had stuffed himself with rhubarb, brimstone, the inspissated juice of figs and any other cathartics that happened to be at hand, so that he would be confined to the seat of ease in his quarter-gallery, groaning and straining, for the greater part of the day, clearly unfit as a guest at a dinner-table.

Instead, the droplet of liquid cheese struck a crack in an optical conduit, where its inspissated presence significantly affected the course of certain light pulses, thereby alerting drastically the quality of the information passing therein.

From this it follows that air is in itself a very competent matter, but because it cannot take shape unless some other terrestrial matter is joined with it, therefore it is necessary that the air which forms the devil's assumed body should be in some way inspissated, and approach the property of the earth, while still retaining its true property as air.

If further inspissated by boiling, and sweetened in the sun, it is known as casareep, and is employed as a flavouring, especially in British Guiana, where it appears in almost every dish, and in the West Indies, where it is the foundation of the celebrated pepper pot.

Kino is the inspissated juice of the Bastard Teak (Pterocarpus marsupium) obtained from incisions made in the trunk.