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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ an inspirational speech
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inspirational \In`spi*ra"tion*al\, a.

  1. Pertaining to inspiration.

  2. Imparting inspiration[2]; as, an inspirational sermon.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1839, "influenced by inspiration;" 1884, "tending to inspire;" see inspiration + -al (1).


a. Having the quality to inspire.


adj. imparting a divine influence on the mind and soul

Usage examples of "inspirational".

I have great respect, Joseph Kanon, once expressed to me his opinion that acknowledgments at the beginning of novels have all the inspirational qualities for him of speeches given by those receiving Oscars.

Looking up, he saw the air above the mountains streaked in peach and apricot, a phenomenal, overblown sunset such as Rudy had previously associated with the tackier variety of cowboy painters or photographs in inspirational magazines.

The cruelty of this disease cannot be overstated, but the intense support that PALS, their families, their doctors, and other caregivers provide to one another is inspirational.

They wore identical white robes and bamboo hats, each inscribed with an inspirational verse painted by their teacher.

He chose for his Master of Pontifical Ceremonies Monsignor Virginio Cesarini, Lyncean, who wrote acclaimed poetry and had pursued the study of mathematics after hearing an inspirational lecture by Galileo.

Mackintosh removes his robes, slips on his shoes and adjourns to his favourite pub, away from the prying eyes of any students who might wish to question his inspirational words.

PSC broadcasts were composed almost exclusively of inspirational programmes, banal blue sky balladeers, and the networked news from GC, interspersed with mind-deadening 'local interest' items from the home-base station.

Summer folk worked the piers, scraped the drydocked sailing ships, and performed most of the grunt labor supporting seaborne trade, often with a cheerfulness that was inspirational to behold.

Plus random cavity searches and sermons and inspirational hymns piped in nonstop while we slaves to body image mix the Reverend's Herbal Compound.

Sunlight fell from the clerestory windows high above, and an electronic organ softly played an inspirational interlude before the next hymn.

If we plant an inspirational thought in our minds during such moments and then envision how we might practice that idea throughout the day, we tap into a wellspring that not only helps us meet our challenges but gives us new options for responding to important opportunities and teaching moments.

His knowledge of the restoration process, the history of Nazi art-looting, and the pleasures of Venice were both invaluable and inspirational.