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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Insolently \In"so*lent*ly\, adv. In an insolent manner.


adv. In an insolent manner.


adv. in an insolent manner; "he had replied insolently to his superiors"

Usage examples of "insolently".

Insolently he muscled his way through the younger bulls, always keeping his eye on Rufous.

Calumnious Dryasdusts would sometimes insolently father their title on James I.

He hears the gasoline rise in the neck of the tank and notices with what care the farmer squeezes every drop he can into the tank without letting it slosh over the lip insolently the way a city garageman would.

Loitering stablehands eyed her insolently, but Ser Horas Redwyne averted his gaze as she passed, and his brother Hobber pretended not to see her.

Through the silence that followed, the nearby screech of a leatherwing and the distant roar of a deimosauroid sounded as insolently loud as the wild blossoms were gaudy.

Now why is it that we all really feel that this Meredithian passage is not so insolently masculine as in mere logic it would seem?

And vast infinities away, past the Gate of Deeper Slumber and the enchanted wood and the garden lands and the Cerenarian Sea and the twilight reaches of Inquanok, the crawling chaos Nyarlathotep strode brooding into the onyx castle atop unknown Kadath in the cold waste, and taunted insolently the mild gods of earth whom he had snatched abruptly from their scented revels in the marvellous sunset city.

He stiffened, stared defiantly back, and swept his own gaze insolently over her body from the midnight hair to the diminutive cothurns on her feet.

There it was, resting insolently in its chock, its heavy butt jammed into the burlap bag of pine needles, the ancient slayer of waterfowl, the perpetrator of outrage.

There it was, resting insolently in its chock, its heavy butt jammed into the burlap bag of pine needles, the ancient slayer of water­.

They had lounged insolently on the grab bar in the cargo lift, and commented on the grooming of ship's crew in terms that had the reporting ensign red-faced.

It was an air of inanities uttered as revelations and insolently demanding acceptance as such.

They had lounged insolently on the grabbar in the cargo lift, and commented on the grooming of ship's crew in terms that had the reporting ensign red-faced.

Ketchum said with some distaste as he pointed to a tall, rangy Cheyenne in his mid-thirties who lounged insolently outside the gates of the old fort.

The statues of Theodosius, of his father, of his wife Flaccilla, of his two sons, Arcadius and Honorius, were insolently thrown down from their pedestals, broken in pieces, or dragged with contempt through the streets.