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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
in so far as/insofar as/in as far as
▪ Additional forces were sent to these frontier outposts to give them protection insofar as limited resources would permit.
▪ All presently understood hazards to life and property, insofar as we have discovered them, are also included.
▪ He had tried, insofar as he was capable, to ease the policy of permanent crisis he had inherited from Truman.
▪ It is separated only insofar as organization and method is concerned.
▪ Tammy, however, had succeeded, insofar as she had succeeded, despite her environment.
▪ Yes, insofar as the explanation I got.

adv. To such a degree or extent.


adv. to the degree or extent; "insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man" [syn: in so far, to that extent, to that degree]

Usage examples of "insofar".

Thus, insofar as behaviorist and neuroscientific models rely on firsthand accounts of experience, they continue to depend on introspection.

We certainly do recognize the need to insist on the creative powers of virtuality, but this Bergsonian discourse is insufficient for us insofar as we also need to insist on the reality of the being created, its ontological weight, and the institutions that structure the world, creating necessity out of contingency.

I am interested in Charlotte Douglas only insofar as she passed through Boca Grande, only insofar as the meaning of that sojourn continues to chide me.

State commissions, except insofar as the latter operate in obedience to laws containing unique standards or procedures.

But what you say is correct insofar as this: After the deuteronomists had reformed Judaism, instead of making sacrifices, the Jews went to synagogue and read the Book.

Most important, the nation appears as progressive insofar as it serves as a line of def ense against the domination of more powerful nations and external economic, political, and ideological forces.

In any case, the epics were completed when their events were distant memories, insofar as they were facts at all.

Insofar as Donna knew, for example, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis had lived in New York City for at least twenty-five years.

But it is also a heterotopia insofar as the mirror does exist in reality, where it exerts a sort of counteraction on the position that I occupy.

Marine Corps forces was innovative insofar as it required tight interservice cooperation and a streamlined command structure.

Insofar as the absolute disjunction of the literary and the nonliterary had been the root assumption of mainstream Anglo-American criticism in the mid-twentieth century, deconstruction emerged as a liberating challenge, a salutary return of the literary text to the condition of all other texts and a simultaneous assault on the positivist certitude of the nonliterary, the privileged realm of historical fact.

Like Dol, her identity is determined by her sexual attractions, for the sake of which men project their illusions onto her, hence giving her a satirically appropriate disguise, for sexuality parallels alchemy insofar as it involves the projection of aggressive desire.

System as the embodiment of soullessness, and, insofar as he had ever been known to show emotion or feeling before any undergraduate, he seemed to glory in his repute of being the most pitilessly rigid disciplinarian that Earth had ever known.

Christianity was utterly secure and that its beliefs were safe, and even strengthened, under the care of the proponents of the new mechanical philosophy, history has proven this true only insofar as one identifies Christianity with the specific theological creed of scientific materialism.

Insofar as the urgently needed biotics are concerned, it is claimed that they are prohibited imports into the Hegemony.