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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Insistently \In*sist"ent*ly\, adv. In an insistent manner.


adv. In an insistent manner; pressingly.


adv. in an insistent manner

Usage examples of "insistently".

Then, suddenly, he was in the midst of a living noise so loud that he nearly swooned of its effects and just lay there, feeling drugged or very drunk, hearing nothing, until something began to beat upon the backplate of his cuirass insistently.

Olympic bobsledder whistling down a luge chute, but the torrent repeatedly, insistently rolled me, pushing my face under the flow.

I tried to stay on my back, face up, rocketing along with the fatalism of an Olympic bobsledder whistling down a luge chute, but the torrent repeatedly, insistently rolled me, pushing my face under the flow.

They were in a race with the cutover pikapedan, which grew in behind the icerigger to heights of six and seven meters and pressed insistently against the bottom of the raft.

You of course will remember how insistently the Governments of our three countries proposed to Turkey that she should enter the war against Hitlerite Germany on the side of the Allies as long ago as in November and December of 1943.

Don Guillermo sat as host, trying to be politely jovial to these men he hated while at the same time riding tight, glowering herd on his own hotblooded officers lest one of them say or do that which their instincts and his own all called insistently to be done, in all of its violence and bloodshed.

It was the boss Heechee, jabbering in excitement but beckoning insistently.

The motorman set his teeth hard, and rang the gong loudly, insistently.

But long, gaseous books have insistently asserted that McCarthy said he had the names of 205 Communists rather than 57 Communists.

The chamber was virtually soundproof, so the only way for occupants to signal unhappiness or distress was to tap insistently on the chamber wall or to hold up notes to a small window.

The fog was chillier here, and pressed more insistently upon him as he advanced across the wet grass.

There were just so many issues clamouring insistently for her attention right now.

They were already considering subjecting the man to torture despite a solid alibi supported by several witnesses, when, ten days after the murder, a man from the city watch appeared at the magistrate’s office and gave the following deposition: at noon on the day in question, he, Gabriel Tagliasco, captain of the guard, while engaged in his customary duties at the porte du Cours, had been approached by an individual, who, as he now realized, fitted the description in the warrant almost exactly, and had been questioned repeatedly and insistently concerning the road by which the second consul and his caravan had departed the city that same morning.

He had a fur clutched around him and an insistently creeling fire lizard clawing at his bare arm.

It is obvious that the Jacobin wood-chopper persecutes, insistently and selectively, the veterans of labor and savings, the large cultivators who from father to son and for many generations have possessed the same farm, the master-craftsmen whose shops are well stocked and who have good customers, the respectable, well-patronized retailers, who owe nothing.