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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Insignificantly \In`sig*nif"i*cant*ly\, adv. without significance, importance, or effect; to no purpose. ``Anger insignificantly fierce.''


adv. Of such extremely small quantity or degree that it is not worth measuring.

  1. adv. in an insignificant manner; "some people living insignificantly among us"

  2. not to a significant degree or amount; "Our budget will only be insignificantly affected by these new cuts" [ant: significantly]

Usage examples of "insignificantly".

Kennerman and at the same time to bring those she believes responsible-- who, not insignificantly, are rabid antiabortionist and frequent wife-beaters--to justice.

Presently, an indicator moved and there was a slight increase in weight as spinward jets came to life and sent Vega Jumpoff wheeling ever so insignificantly faster about its hub.

It was disconcerting to stand next to beings who made him feel so insignificantly small, like a child among giants.