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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ She feels as insignificant as the worms that burrow beneath the sand and as vulnerable.
▪ But this would rule out so many of our statements as insignificant that it would be self-defeating.
▪ In the West armies were cosmopolitan and religious animosities relatively insignificant.
▪ But in industrial goods markets the role of the buying function may vary from significant to relatively insignificant.
▪ The carnivores are small and relatively insignificant.
▪ The duke's local supporters in East Anglia appear not only disparate but also relatively insignificant.
▪ Their extensive lands were organised and run from these focal places, which often appear relatively insignificant today.
▪ Such civil action settlements, whilst absolutely large are again relatively insignificant.
▪ Answer: by speeding up the processing of applicants to such an extent that the differences are relatively insignificant.
▪ The faded envelope looked so insignificant - and perhaps it was.
▪ The issues on which the schism turned have often seemed to Western scholars so insignificant as to be almost laughable.
So small is this world, and so insignificant are its participants, that detailed attention might be considered unnecessary.
▪ A man feels so insignificant against its vastness that confidences no longer seem something to keep to oneself.
▪ And if it was so insignificant then why can I still see that first kiss even now?
▪ Luckily she appeared so insignificant with all the bags that no one bothered to give her a second glance.
▪ Mathematically, an almost insignificant amount of living things in Florida call it Florida.
▪ Sixteen people lost an insignificant amount, and nine others gained weight or stayed the same.
▪ The damage to reading, literacy and education would be catastrophic, but the revenue collected an insignificant amount.
▪ More Republicans did answer this particular poll, he said, but it was a statistically insignificant number.
▪ an insignificant detail
▪ The anti-war group was an insignificant minority within the party.
▪ The cost of the software is insignificant compared with the cost of training employees to use it.
▪ The spies' payroll included insignificant clerks and highly placed officials.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

meaningless \meaningless\ adj. having no meaning; of no value; as, a meaningless endeavor; a meaningless life; a meaningless explanation. Opposite of meaningful. [Narrower terms: insignificant ; {mindless, unmeaning ; {nonsense(prenominal), nonsensical ; {pointless, purposeless ] Also See: {insignificant, unimportant, purposeless, unimportant.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1650s, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + significant. Related: Insignificantly.


a. Not significant; not important, consequential, or having a noticeable effect.

  1. adj. not large enough to consider or notice [syn: trivial]

  2. not worthy of notice [syn: undistinguished]

  3. signifying nothing; "insignificant sounds"; "his picayune and unmeaning"- R.B. Pearsall [syn: unmeaning]

  4. of little importance or influence or power; of minor status; "a minor, insignificant bureaucrat"; "peanut politicians" [syn: peanut]

  5. not important or noteworthy [syn: unimportant] [ant: significant]

Usage examples of "insignificant".

Like nearly everyone who ever played a large part in public life and helped make history, Adams wondered how history would portray him, and worried not a little that he might be unfairly treated, misunderstood, or his contributions made to look insignificant compared to those of others.

Thus the only overt attempt to resist the authority of Charles V, apart from one or two insignificant Anabaptist riots, was crushed.

Jerking out his autopistol, he fired at the vultures, the rapid-fire popping of the 9mm cartridges insignificant in the vast expanse of shadowy mountains and red sky.

This being so, supposing for the sake of argument we divide ourselves into twenty parts, nineteen savage and one civilized, we must look to the nineteen savage portions of our nature, if we would really understand ourselves, and not to the twentieth, which, though so insignificant in reality, is spread all over the other nineteen, making them appear quite different from what they really are, as the blacking does a boot, or the veneer a table.

Although the attack seemed relatively insignificant at the time, it would be the event that would soon bring the Cav and the North Vietnamese regulars together for the biggest battle yet.

Our answer, as always, is never to be found in flatland, in the world of black checkers scurrying endlessly, meaninglessly, dimly, and disappearing finally into those dark shades of the night that are ever so fundamental, ever so insignificant.

Thus the insignificant louse that lived on phagors, burrowing in their coats, a titbit for cowbirds, became an unknowing instrument in saving the lives of many a protognostic.

Alizon, Linna had been an insignificant village serving the few needs of the poorly endowed, rugged Dales of the surrounding region, but it had escaped the hostilities ravaging the greater part of High Hallack.

Its adoption upon our present Gregorian calendar would only require the suppression of the usual bissextile once in every 128 years, and there would be no necessity for any further correction, as the error is so insignificant that it would not amount to a day in 100,000 years.

He wore an overcoat of expensive material and he was very obviously not a person who had come on the boat, in spite of his shriveled and insignificant appearance.

Stone mills and limekilns sat huge and squat, the fess and the rekin almost insignificant, huddled among sprawling heaps of spoil.

Anger in a slave girl is futile, meaningless, though sometimes masters encourage it in their girls, to see them flush and assume an interesting demeanor, but it is in the end always insignificant for, in the end, as both the girl and master know, it is the master and not the girl who holds the whip.

Hence these apparently insignificant sticks and stones are, in the opinion of the natives, most potent instruments for conveying to the living the virtues and powers of the dead.

She talks a lot, likes to argue, and accompanies every phrase, even the most insignificant, with expressive looks and gestures.

On the other hand, if, as the orders of the day seem to show, a serious engagement was always intended, it is strange that two brigades out of four should have played so insignificant a part.