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a. Resembling an insect in any of various attributes such as form, behavior, or sound


adj. resembling an insect; "a hairy insectlike flower"

Usage examples of "insectlike".

They set to work with their hatchets, and were soon creeping, insectlike, up its surface, with their heels projecting over the thinnest kind of nothingness, thickened up a little with a few wandering shreds and films of cloud moving in a lazy procession far below.

In the bottom of the diggings the figures of men seemed frail and insectlike, their cries feeble and without consequence, their pathetic scurrying without purpose.

He sat down with his back against one of the ship's weapons lockers and defocused his large, insectlike eyes.

The doors opened onto the unpartitioned space of a fitness center, machines bulking insectlike and menacing in the unlit gloom.

His sense of time telescoped, so that he could watch the insectlike, fluttering decay of free neutrons&mdash.

She pointed to an insectlike hydrofoil boat with a quantum-dot-powered water-jet motor.