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insect repellant

n. a chemical substance that repels insects [syn: insectifuge, insect repellent]

Usage examples of "insect repellant".

We really should have more time for immunizations, but we'll do the best we can, and we'll take a lot of insect repellant.

We really should have more time for immunizations, but well do the best we can, and well take a lot of insect repellant.

She considered digging out her insect repellant and giving herself another dousing.

I sprayed myself with liberal amounts of insect repellant -- Audrey said I smelled like poisonous oranges, even after a shower -- and the hordes of hovering midges, mosquitoes, and gnats kept their distance.

Folk from the magic world of lights and appliances and 6-12 Insect Repellant.

On a camping holiday, Nyssa would have been the one with the emergency matches and the insect repellant.

Clean garments and insect repellant gave everyone, including Kel, a more cheerful outlook.

His sigh left his mouth open, however, just enough to get a good taste of the insect repellant that Vlad sprayed in his face.

The basic idea was to get the genegineered plants to manufacture and store a Sphinxian organic compound that's harmless to humans but serves as a natural insect repellant.

He edged up along the side and stooped as he went forward, grateful for the insect repellant he had used.