- How confident crossword solvers solve
- Brave way to solve crosswords
- Written so as to discourage erasure
- Way to sign a contract
- Using ink
- Unerasable, say
- Permanently, say
- Indelibly, say
- Impressive way to solve a puzzle
- Impressive way to solve a crossword
- How you might solve a crossword
- How some contracts are signed
- How prison tattoos may be etched
- How many crosswords are solved
- How legal documents are typically signed
- How checks are endorsed
- How an essay may be written
- How the confident solve
- Hard to change
- Done permanently, as writing
- Permanently, as writing
- How some people solve crosswords
- How many forms are filled out
- Improper way to take the SAT
- How the confident may solve
- How confident solvers may solve
- How contracts are signed
- How checks are signed
- Bold way to solve a crossword
- Using ink, as a signature
- Best way to sign
- One way to solve crosswords
- How some solve crosswords
- How many autographs are signed