inoSMI (, a derivation from "foreign mass media") is an internet media project that monitors and translates articles published in foreign and Western media into Russian. Translations are published online on a daily basis. The range of topics varies, but most of the translated articles are analytical essays written by Western journalists and dedicated to Russia. Regular news articles are rarely published.
The service is affiliated with the RIA Novosti news agency and is sponsored by the Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of Russia ( FAPMC).
The project was masterminded and directed by Yaroslav Ognev who has been serving as its editor-in-chief since its foundation. In March 2009 Marina Pustilnik was assigned the editor-in-chief of InoSmi.
While RIA Novosti states that the project web-site was launched in February 2004, a whois service query indicates that the domain name had been reserved since 2001.