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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inosculate \In*os"cu*late\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Inosculated; p. pr. & vb. n. Inosculating.] [Pref. in- in + osculate.]

  1. To unite by apposition or contact, as two tubular vessels at their extremities; to anastomose.

  2. To intercommunicate; to interjoin.

    The several monthly divisions of the journal may inosculate, but not the several volumes.
    --De Quincey.


Inosculate \In*os"cu*late\, v. t.

  1. To unite by apposition or contact, as two vessels in an animal body.

  2. To unite intimately; to cause to become as one.

    They were still together, grew (For so they said themselves) inosculated.


n. the act of inosculating vb. 1 (context transitive English) to homogenize; to make continuous 2 (context intransitive English) to open into 3 (context transitive English) to unite 4 (context intransitive English) To intercommunicate; to interjoin.

  1. v. come together or open into each other; "the blood vessels anastomose" [syn: anastomose]

  2. cause to join or open into each other by anastomosis; "anastomose blood vessels" [syn: anastomose]

Usage examples of "inosculate".

By looking to either side of the leaf, it will be seen that a branch from the great central bifurcation inosculates with a branch from the lateral bundle, and that there is a smaller inosculation between the two chief branches of the lateral bundle.