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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inordinate \In*or"di*nate\, a. [L. inordinatus disordered. See In- not, and Ordinate.] Not limited to rules prescribed, or to usual bounds; irregular; excessive; immoderate; as, an inordinate love of the world. ``Inordinate desires.''
--Milton. ``Inordinate vanity.''
--Burke. -- In*or"di*nate*ly, adv. -- In*or"di*nate*ness, n.


adv. In an inordinate manner.


adv. extremely; "she was inordinately smart"; "it will be an extraordinarily painful step to negotiate" [syn: extraordinarily]

Usage examples of "inordinately".

He loved hard work, and this forced him to abstain, as a rule, from dinner, as he drank so inordinately at that meal that he could do nothing after it.

The placement of brass trays on three-legged wooden stands, the handing round of minute glasses full of fiery liquor and delicate bowls of fruit-flavored sorbet, took what seemed to Gill an inordinately long time while Hafiz and Rafik chatted of trivialities.

The river was inordinately wide and almost sluggish here, though Prestimion knew that matters changed beyond the city, where the great stream shattered against the row of low jagged hills known as the Hand of Lord Spadagas and broke up into a multitude of unimportant riverlets that lost themselves in the lower reaches of the Mount.

After some little time, he produced what appeared to Zack to be an inordinately long letter, written in a cramped hand, and superscribed apparently with two long lines of inscription, instead of an ordinary address.

Wherefore, if man turns inordinately to a mutable good, without turning from God, as happens in venial sins, he incurs a debt, not of eternal but of temporal punishment.

She was inordinately pleased when Cameron glanced her way and she saw tension in his face.

The trader eased off the beaver topper of which he was inordinately proud, mopped his brow and decided that he would not let the young man spoil his air of bonhommie.

He has good contacts among the wealthier Bubi, the ones who favor separatism, and he is inordinately ambitious.

He refrained, probably because Dan had accused him of using the method inordinately, from causing any further spontaneous combustions among the residents of Greater Los Angeles who'd annoyed him, insulted him, or stood too determinedly in the way of his burgeoning career as a child star or in the way of either Dan or Nancy.

Even then, concentrating on that tiny speck millions of kilometres away was inordinately stressful.

Therefore it is not an inferior thing which has made the will evil, but it is itself which has become so by wickedly and inordinately desiring an inferior thing.

Caitlin had groomed her horses to a satin sheen of renewed health, Florizel and his cohorts were perfecting a new clown act of which he was inordinately proud, and the jugglers, aerialists, acrobats, and dog trainers went about their tasks with cheerful absorption.

Beny Singh and a dozen pretty creatures in saris were playing some form of Blind Man's Buff, and their laughter rose to the ramparts, making Dodd scowl, though if truth were told he was inordinately jealous of Beny Singh.

Sickert might have been inordinately curious about the female reproductive system that had given birth to his ruined life.

There were plenty of willing hands to help them load Ruth, Path, and S'len's Bigath with oxygen tanks and water barrels, although Mirrim fussed inordinately about how the tanks were situated on her beloved Path.