Innsmouth, Massachusetts is a fictional town created by American author H. P. Lovecraft as a setting for one of his horror stories, and referenced subsequently in some of his other works and by other authors who wrote stories taking place in the world Lovecraft created with his stories.
Lovecraft first used the name "Innsmouth" in his 1920 short story " Celephaïs" ( 1920), where it refers to a fictional village in England. Lovecraft's more famous Innsmouth, however, is found in his story " The Shadow Over Innsmouth" ( 1936), set in Massachusetts. This latter Innsmouth was first identified in two of his cycle of sonnets Fungi from Yuggoth. Lovecraft called Innsmouth "a considerably twisted version of Newburyport", Massachusetts.
Innsmouth is a 2015 short film that was directed by Izzy Lee, who co-wrote and co-produced the film with Francesco Massaccesi. The film premiered on August 19, 2015 and is inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft, particularly The Shadow over Innsmouth.
The short received attention for its predominantly female cast, as many of Lovecraft's works tended to feature predominantly or solely male characters. Of this, Lee stated that "Innsmouth was created to make [Lovecraft] roll over in his grave a little by having the cast 98% female and switching the gender roles.”