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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Injuriously \In*ju"ri*ous*ly\, adv. In an injurious or hurtful manner; wrongfully; hurtfully; mischievously.


adv. In an injurious manner; in a manner that injures.


adv. in an injurious manner

Usage examples of "injuriously".

Mount Atlas, to satiate their revenge on the polished tyrants, who had injuriously expelled them from the native sovereignty of the land.

The Gothic kings, so injuriously accused of the ruin of antiquity, were anxious to preserve the monuments of the nation whom they had subdued.

It will injuriously affect the community by its operation on the circulating medium.

Please answer telling me whether anything, and what, I can do for them without injuriously interfering with you.

It has been found, however, that the operation of the draft, with the high bounties paid for army recruits, is beginning to affect injuriously the naval service, and will, if not corrected, be likely to impair its efficiency by detaching seamen from their proper vocation and inducing them to enter the Army.

Louis would inevitably tell injuriously upon General Pope in the particular difficulty existing there, and I think there is some force in that view.

For its bearing on our finances, I would be glad for this to be done, if it can be, without injuriously disturbing your military operations, or supplying the enemy.

This mode of firing is to be preferred when the object fired at is so near that the chances of hitting it are very great, and also when the intervening surface between the gun and object is so rough or irregular that a projectile striking it would have its velocity much diminished or destroyed, and its direction injuriously affected.

Parrott rifles have occurred where the guns have not been previously, or at the time, injuriously strained by the explosion of shells within the bore.

In his speech he assigned the alteration of the currency as the chief cause of the calamity, since it operated injuriously on all classes except the fundholder and annuitant, and by its ruinous effects on private contracts, as well as public payments, was calculated to endanger all kinds of property.

No one interposed, or said that Greatheart would exhaust or alarm Standfast, or would injuriously hasten his end.

Parrott rifles have occurred where the guns have not been previously, or at the time, injuriously strained by the explosion of shells within the bore.

At the time Spikeman was rifling his house, and injuriously treating its inmates, the Knight, unsuspicious of harm, was lying in the wigwam of Sassacus, which was distant but a mile or two from his own residence.

As specified in this complaint, Cyclone Seven stands 24 feet 8 inches high with an irregular base circumference of approximately 74 feet and weighs 24 tons, and in support of his allegation of public nuisance defendant cites a basic tenet of early English law defining such nuisance as that 'which obstructs or causes inconvenience or damage to the public in the exercise of rights common to all Her Majesty's subjects,' further citing such nuisance as that which injuriously affects the safety, health or morals of the public, or works some substantial annoyance, inconvenience or injury to the public' (Commonwealth v.